He tensed and grit his teeth as his body shook but he tried to hold still. He yelled through gritted teeth as tears fell down his face. Elliott whimpered quietly and tugged on the doctor to stop as he sobbed silently. He didn't want him to hurt his brother. "A... about... a week..." he panted heavily. 

Ratchet hurried to clean up the wound and took the bloody bandages and threw them away. He grumbled to himself about the staff. "Who was your doctor?" He asked as he grabbed new gauze and bandages. He walked back to him and placed the gauze over the wound and began wrapping his wound with the bandages.

Elliott let go and tugged at his sleeve on occasion. Worried he was hurting his brother. His tiny hands gripping the lab coat as he sobbed silently. Trying to make as little noise as possible. "I... I don't know... give me... a moment..." he rasped and glanced at the boy. "It's okay..." he whispered quietly 

Ratchet nodded and finished wrapping it. He looked down to the boy as he took off his gloves. "I'm done, Elliott. Its alright." He assured as he began standing to throw them away. He tossed them in the trash and began washing his hands. "Alright, I'll come in here later to check on you. Just rest for now."

He nodded tiredly and climbed into the bed. He sighed shakily as he dozed off. Elliott looked at the man then climbed on the bed and hugged his brother as he slept. Ratchet smiled sadly before he grabbed his clipboard and left. He rubbed his face and began going to Jack's room, his chest feeling heavy as he opened the door.

Jack was still sleeping and he could tell he was struggling to survive. His report said he hadn't woken up since he came here.

Ratchet sighed softly, walking to the bed and sitting next to it. He took his hand with his, frowning deeply as his eyes squeezed shut. The young man didn't respond as he lay there and the doctor wondered if Skye knew her father was alive. She had said he died, and yet here he was. It made him wonder if anyone else in his family was alive. The doctor sighed softly and kissed his sons hand before he stood, making his way back to the apartment after whispering a promise to see him tomorrow. 

Later that night he heard about the train coming back with only a few people. Skye went to the apartment and sighed shakily as she took her mask off. "Hello Grandad..." she whispered.

Ratchet looked over as he stirred chicken noodle soup. He frowned and walked over after setting down the spoon. "I'm glad you're alright." He spoke in relied.

"Thanks Grandad." She whispered quietly and looked at him. She made sure to go clean up then walked over to help. She hugged him tightly and stared blankly at the wall. 

Ratchet frowned seeing her gaze. "Are you alright, Skye?" He asked worriedly as he hugged her gently.

"Hm? Oh yes... I am... sorry." She whispered quietly and moved away then helped with dinner.

Ratchet watched her quietly and began grabbing plates, sighing softly. "Skye, I have something to tell you." He said quietly as he began setting the table, his back to her.

She looked at him and furrowed her brow as she set things down. "Is everything alright?" She asked.

Ratchet stared at the fork as he positioned it right on a napkin. "I began helping at the hospital today." He muttered and took in a breath as he began to look at her. "I saw Jack. He's there." He heard something break and whipped around as she stared at him, tears fell down her face. A broken glass on the floor at her feet.

"Grandad... he... he's dead... remember?" She whispered quietly.

Ratchet shook his head, walking to her carefully, mindful of the glass. He gently took her face in her hands, rubbing away her tears. "No. He's not." He whispered with hope in his voice. "He's in the hospital. He's not responsive right now but he's alive."

She shook her head as she hugged him tightly and buried her face in his shoulder. "No... I saw him... die..." she choked.

He held her close, shushing her gently as he stroked her hair. "Easy.." he mumured, frowning deeply. "We can visit him if you want."

She looked at him with tears in her eyes then nodded quickly. "Please..." she whispered.

Ratchet nodded and took her hand and took her to the hospital quickly. He brought her to Jack's room, bringing her in quietly. 

She looked at him then at the man in the bed and her eyes widened in surprise. "Dad..." she whispered quietly and walked over then sat by him. She choked back a sob and took his hand. "He's alive." She choked and looked at the old man as she smiled brightly.

Ratchet smiled sadly and nodded, walking over to sit down as well. He glanced at his vitals before looking back to his son, smiling more as he fiddled with his ring. "Hopefully we can find more of our family."

"Do you think we can?" She asked as she looked at him. "Dad... got stepped on... a year ago... I guess they didn't put together that he was my dad... mom disappeared shortly before that... dad was looking for her..." she whispered quietly. "They only told me that he died and..." she trailed off and looked down.

Ratchet took her hand in his, frowning. "Everyone is stressed here, it's easy to make mistakes when you're stressed. Were going to find your mother soon." He mumured. 

"Do you really think she's alive?" She asked as she looked at him then over to her father. She gripped his hand then gently kissed it.

Ratchet nodded, leaning back in his seat a bit. "Yes." He spoke gently, his eyes staring down at the floor. He looked to the hallway as he heard crying, frowning deeply. 

"What..." she whispered quietly and looked off to the hallway. She furrowed her brow and wiped her tears away. 

Ratchet stood and began leaving the room. A young girl was sobbing outside one of the rooms, whimpering. A man on a gurney was getting ushered out of the room, plastic over his body.

Skye followed him and furrowed her brow with concern. What had happened?

I've Forgotten You (TFP AU)Where stories live. Discover now