Ten - For now, Not forever!

Start from the beginning

"Hey, what are you doing here? You didn't go home?"

"Eehh! Uuhh...Good evening,sir!"

"Yeah! evening! Any problem? You didn't look well?"

Think Shakshi! Think! I was just starring at him. I don't want to say him that I was waiting for Mr. Arrogant.

"Hey! You alright? You want any help?" he was now climbing towards me.

"Uuhh... N-No Si-sirr.. I-I.." I was stammering. Someone save me from this situation.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"Mmm... No-noth-ing sir.."

"Nothing?" he was standing right infront of me. I didn't knew I was not comfortable right now.

"Then why are sitting here in the dark. Alone?" his tone was in such a sexy way that it sends chills down my spine. He was raising his eyebrow at me.

I looked down to avoid his gaze.

Am I hallucinating? He was a good person as for I knew. May be I was too tired. His hands was about to shake my shoulder.

"What's your name?" he cooed soft.

"Shakshi" the voice banged the walls in the room!

It was none other than.... Mr. Arrogant!

"Hello, doctor! You still here?" Dr. Sharath asked him.

He was glarring at me. Without taking eyes off me he answered Dr.Sharath with so much irritation in his voice. He hates him?

"Yup Sharath! A kid in my ward started to threw fits. Duty calls! By the way what are you doing with my girl?" he finished.

"What?" me and Dr.Sharath exclaimed at same time.

"Listen carefully Sharath! Because I hate repeatings. I don't want to see you again anywhere near her. You have the entire campus to play your dirty games except her! Am I clear?"
He was so harsh. His eyes were throwing daggers at Dr. Sharath.

"Sorry! I didn't know that?!" Dr.Sharath scoffed.

He was standing there not knowing what to do. Same with me. This man have special talents to make even the coolest guy cry!

In quick steps Mr.Arrogant reached me. He grabbed my hand and pulled towards his side.

"I'm counting on you. So, Don't make something stupid that you will regret all your life, Sharath!" he said.

Why was he simply calling him by his name? His ill manners! I knew these guys were neighbours yet this was not right when I was righr there. Mr. Arrogant was playing his game of making him low infront of me.

"Actually I just came..." Dr. Sharath was trying some explanations which was abruptly cut off by Mr. Arrogant.

"Stop! Sharath. I don't want to hear any silly reasons." his voice was blooming "Whats mine will always be mine!" he eyed me with a smirk!

This man will never change.

"Move!" he roared and dragged me with him passing Dr. Sharath who was looking at me with pitty.

I was literally running to match his pace. He didn't bother to release his hold on my wrist. It was tightening when the seconds passed. It was hurting now.

I let out a whimper. He stopped and turned his head towards me. I used this opportunity to wriggle my hand out of his grip. He understood and loosen his grip but didn't let go of my hand.

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