"Yes. I will post the job application on the website and thru my social medias. You can also post it, I'll send you the details. That okay?"

Lisa nods "That'd be great!" She said as she continues to enjoy her breakfast.


The weekend has ended. Lisa's new week has started. She's lucky enough that her parents' minion hasn't found out about her whereabouts and is hoping they never found her.

She arrives at the store early. Luckily, Jennie spares her the store's keys so she can open the door and prepare everything to open the store.

As she cleans the coffee machine, the bell's door rang; someone is walking towards Lisa.

"H-hello.." She greeted in hesitation.

Lisa turns her head to the latter and smiles widely to the smaller girl that has visual on her face but lacks confident, "Hello there how can I help? We haven't prepared anything but I can get you some coffees"

The girl shook her head, "Actually, I came here because I saw the ads on the internet... so maybe... I could... try to apply here" She replied as she gives Lisa a brown envelope.

"Oh right! Thank you so much. I will definitely give this to the owner and she will contact you soon—by the way, I'm Lisa" She said as she extends her hand.

The latter accepts Lisa's hand, "I'm Jisoo. Nice to meet you Lisa"

Lisa smile widened, "And nice to meet you too pretty lady" she said as she winked.

Now don't get confused, Lisa often did this just because she thinks that could help her not to feel awkward after the introduction.

Another bell rang but this time, Lisa knew from the smell of the flower perfume—it must be Jennie.

"Good morning" Jennie greets Lisa; her smile even get wider when she looks at the new girl, "Good morning to you too, miss"

"Ah, Jennie, Jisoo here wants to apply for a job" Lisa said as Jisoo herself extend her hand for a shake hands and introduce herself.

"That'd be great. Now let me put my purse at my room and meet me inside in 5 minutes. Is it fine Jisoo?"

The latter seems confused, "Pardon?"

Lisa laughs, "Naw, Jennie is asking you to come to her room so she can interview you. Don't be surprised, she's unpredictable sometimes"

Jennie only nodded in agreement, "Yep. Meet me in my room in 5 minutes. Do you bring your CV?

"Here it is" Lisa said as she gives the latter the envelope.

Jennie smiled at them both for the last time before she walks toward her room.

Jisoo is looking at Lisa in panic, "Oh my god I didn't prepare anything! I don't even wear decent outfit for the interview" She said; grated her teeth.

Lisa giggled and tapped her shoulder, "Don't worry. She's a softie. I was wearing a hoodie and sneakers when I applied for a job"

"For real?"

Lisa nods in excitement, "Yes!! Now relax and do good inside. You can do it! Fighting!"

Jisoo took her breath as she slowly walks to Jennie's room. Lisa's eyes are following her movement until she can't see the latter's presence.

It must be great if Lisa actually has another friend here besides Jennie so she can distract herself a bit from her—it's hard not to stop looking at Jennie and not to think how it would be great if Lisa is actually in Rosie's shoes.

She knew she's delusional but she couldn't help. This Jennie girl really is making her going crazy.


It's been an hour since Jisoo went inside Jennie's room and Lisa didn't know what took them so long until finally, Jisoo come out with a smile plastered on her face.

"Well, how was it?" Lisa asked.

"I got in," She said as she giggled"

"Yeaaay so when will you start to work here?"

"Today, actually right now..."

Lisa gasped in excitement, "Oh my, okay. Come here then, Jisoo ya. I will teach you how to use the machine" Lisa said as she welcomed the latter warmly.

From afar, Jennie was there watching Lisa is doing a great job. Jennie knows that Lisa is very smart and is a fast learner and also a good tutor too—Lisa got her trust by the second she talked to her. It was weird to Jennie at first. It's like she has no worries whenever Lisa around her.

Until We Meet Again [JENLISA]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora