Chosen Demigod x Reader (Bad Feeling)

Start from the beginning

"Sure." Nothing else was said as we walked off, though something felt wrong. I felt as if something bad was going to happen, and this afternoon was not going to end well.

We walked for a bit, but I noticed that he wasn't walking close to me, it was as if he was trying to keep away from me. The mere thought of that hurt. Plus he was very quiet, which wasn't like him at all. Every time we were together, we were always talking. There was never a silent moment between us.

"Is everything ok?" I asked as I broke the silence, beginning to worry but hoping it wasn't showing.

"Hmmm? Yeah, everything is fine." He replied.

"Are you sure? I'm here for you if you want to talk about it."

"Just some stuff." He said nothing else, and continued walking. I couldn't help but hang back just a bit as I looked at him. The bad feeling before still there. I placed my hand over my chest and clutched my heart, hoping I was wrong.

We walked some more, and it was like he didn't want to come near me at all. He kept his distance and was silent the whole time. I didn't know what to say, I felt like there was this distance between us and I don't know how to fix it. I didn't like it, not one bit. 'What's happening here?' I thought as all I could do was glance at him every now and then.

We finally stopped walking and decided to sit down. Not wanting this distance anymore, I sat close to him and placed my head on his shoulder.

"(Chosen Demigod), please talk to me. You've been silent this whole time. Have I done something wrong?"

"You haven't done anything wrong at all. I'm sorry, I've just had something going on." I turned to face him and placed my hand on his cheek.

"Talk to me, I'm here for you. I want to help you."

"You can't help me with this." He said as he looked away from me. That stung. First he doesn't want to be near me and now he doesn't even want to look at me. I don't know what to do.

"I can if you let me." I tried to convince him that if he just let me, I can help him with whatever it is that's wrong. I want to be there for him and help him in any way I can.

"It's me." He finally said after a few moments of silence. He let out a sigh and took a breath before talking again. "Since you were away, even before then I've been dealing with a personal issue. I don't want to do something that hurts you." I had wondered why he didn't tell me this since before I left for my quest he seemed fine. We hung out like usual, spent time with one another when we weren't busy and he seemed happy. Why didn't he tell me something was up? I would've helped him.

"I can help you through this."

"You can't. Look, I think it's best if we..." He cut himself off. I had a feeling I knew what he was going to say, but I swore to the gods above that I was wrong. 'Please don't let it be what I think it is.' I thought as the bad feeling from before made its presence known even more now. 'Please don't let it be like this.'

"You think it would be best if we were just friends?" I whispered as I dropped my hand from his cheek. I saw a tear fall down his cheek.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said and I swore you could hear my heart break the moment he said those words. I turned away from him as I closed my eyes, holding back the tears that threatened to fall. I wanted to be wrong. Olympus above I wanted to be wrong so bad. 'So my bad feeling was this.'

"W-We'll still b-be friends, r-right?" I stuttered out. He pulled me into his arms, and as much as I wanted to be there, it didn't feel right anymore.

"I don't want to lose you from my life completely." He pulled away from the hug, and I have never been so glad. His touch, I didn't want it after he broke up with me. Nothing else was said as I got up and begin to walk away.

"Goodbye." I whispered before I ran.

I ran all the way back to my cabin. I felt numb as I did so, tears ran down my face along the way. As soon as I made it to my cabin, I saw that it was empty, which I was very thankful for. I unsheathed my weapon and looked at it once more, no longer wanting to use it because he gave it to me. I found a box that was sitting under my bed and placed the weapon in it, before putting the box back under.

"I'll just get a new one later." I mumbled out. As much as I love that weapon, I can't use it. It'll hurt too much to use the weapon he gave me. Maybe once all my wounds are healed I'll pick it up again, but for now that's where it'll stay.

We haven't spoken since that day. I see him around camp, but I don't approach him. Even if it's not his intention, he's made it clear that he wants nothing to do with me. And as much as that hurts, I accept it and have to move on. Even though he said we'll still be friends, I feel he's lost all interest completely, even in a friendship. There's just nothing I can do.

I do wonder what went wrong, but I fear that's a question that'll remain unanswered. It's been made clear where I stand, he seems better off without me anyway. I have fond memories of us together, but perhaps it's time to lock them up in the depths of my mind and focus on my training, my friends, and more importantly myself.

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