"I'm sad, mummy." he started to cry a little but then stopped himself while you wiped his tears "I miss daddy but I like Katsuki pretending to be my daddy." he smiled as he confirmed what you had assumed the little boy was feeling towards the man living in your home. 

"Your daddy would be so proud of the big boy your becoming and it's ok to like Katsuki that way. I'm sure one day he is going to be a great daddy to some children" he smiled at that not missing a beat as usual.

"Does that mean you and Katsuki can have a baby brother and sister for me to look after?" this made both you and the man standing outside the door choke. The noise gave away his location outside the room. Due to this, he decided to walk in snuggling up into the bed with you, since this was possibly the last week in the house. Haru moved slightly so that his body was over the grown man's legs, with his tiny head on your lap.

"You know maybe one day, but your mummy misses your daddy. Ok, Buddy ?" he taps the little guy's nose with his large rough finger playfully. 

"Ok. You should start smooching mummy. Then you can make a baby!" Haru blurted out like it was as simple as that. 

"Oh, sweetie! Did daddy tell you that?" by this point you're trying not to laugh out loud since the little guy looked very serious in his words. 

 "Yep!" he started giggling at remembering some of the things you and Ash would "Remember you used to smooch before you met daddy, right mummy!" he glanced at the blonde-haired man which made Katsuki smirk.

"I would love to smooch your mummy. She gives the best ones!" his words were like music to your ears as that is all you wanted. However, it was funny hearing such a grumpy husky voice saying 'smooch' it made you laugh. 

"How about I give you a big smooch?" you pout before you start kissing Haru's face as he wiggled and thrashed in your grip. 

"Nooooooo! I'm too big for that, mummy!" he started wriggling around even more before eventually getting free. Jumping off the bed he ran out of the door to his own room, as the two of you both lay in bed laughing at Haru's actions. 

Katsuki's head moved to lean on your shoulder. His arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled your body closer to his. "You know I really do want to smooch you!" lifting his head slightly to smirk at you, full of the confidence you remembered from the first day you met. 

What you hadn't noticed through all the wiggling, was Haru had grabbed your phone off the side. You also hadn't noticed him now pretending to be a ninja as he poked his tiny head back around the door frame. He didn't know what he was doing when he accidentally face-timed Shoto.

"Haru, is mummy ok?" the man asked. The two of you were too busy talking that you hadn't noticed or heard anything as if in your own little world.

"Uncle Shosho, I think Katsuki is going to finally smooch Mummy!" he smirked whispering, as the man on the other side quietly grabbed Momo's attention. 

"Be a ninja and show us but quiet!" Momo added trying to not to laugh, as his little head popped around the corner facing the phone towards the two of you.

"You would want one because you're a perv!" you laugh as he grabs your face with one hand making it look at him. 

"I don't care. I'm not going to be staying here much longer. Just one to say thank you?" he smiled trying to act cute as you pouted, with rosy cheeks. "If you pull that face I will want more!" placing his arm around your back he pulled you in even but you let him. Loving the feeling of being in his arms.

That when your lips touched each others it was as if every bit of tension between the two of you was released. Grabbing his face it makes the long-awaited kiss become even deeper and passionate. His strong arms moving your body underneath him, the two of you getting completely lost in the moment. 

"EWWWWWW!" Haru screamed running onto the bed making you both turn in shock before laughing. 

"See we smooched. Happy?" you question Haru but are surprised at the voice you hear responding. 

"About time!" Momo's posh tone ring into the room, as you notice your phone in Haru's small hand. As you take it off him and lift the screen you see a very smug-looking Momo and Shoto. Your face is instantly as red as a tomato! However, the man next to you had the smuggest shit-eating grin on his face.

"Good work Haru! We have a reward for you tonight!" Shoto laughed making you just burst out laughing along with the others. 

"Can't keep anything a secret in this house?" chuckling as you feel a needy Katsuki snuggle into your side. All he could think was the fact he could have you all to his self tonight, once the Kirishima's had gone to bed. 

"You two look good together! Don't they Haru?" Momo comments as the little guys pops up next to Katsuki, giving the man a hug and a fist bump.

 "Yep but I think mummy has a fever now she is really hot!" he placed his little hand on your forehead. The look of concern on his face, as you explained to him that you were just really warm due to Katsuki's quirk and there was nothing to worry about. After that, you explained nothing else had happened. It was just a thank you kiss in which they didn't believe you at all. Then it was eventually time to get ready for the hospital. 

***Thank you for reading***

***I don't own BNHA or Pictures***

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