Thank You Smooch!

Start from the beginning

Haru ends up eating more of Katsuki's breakfast than his own. Of course, the blonde was getting used to this being a regular occurrence, since Haru was his number one fan. "You learn that to live with a four-year-old, you need to make more food!" smirking at being able to enjoy all of your food for a change, without having to share it with the tiny neverending dustbin of a child. 

"Mummy I'm nearly the big five!" Haru looking proud of himself since he would soon be turning the big five. 

 "That's true." you laugh at the overconfident boy, as you ruffle his messy black bed-headed locks. "Thanks for the breakfast! It's nice to get a day off!" you smile at the ash-blonde who seemed a little quiet on the quiet side since he got into the bed. "You ok?" turning to face him, a little concerned that something bad has happened.

"Yeh. I'm just thinking. I've really enjoyed staying with you." even though his face looked as it always did, you could see the emotion behind his two crimson orbs. The look they held, was as if he felt you were leaving again. That you wouldn't allow him to be as close as he was in this moment in time. You felt if he could freeze time right now he would. 

"Well...when this is all over you can come round whenever." you smile reassuringly looking into his eyes with yours. Unlike his emotional red ones, yours held the promise that you weren't going anywhere and that he was always welcome.

"Mummy why can't Katsuki live with u?!" Haru had caught onto the conversation and was smart enough to work out what the man's words meant. Glancing at your little monster usually fully of giggles and laughter, you could see that he was on the brink of tears. At the time you accepted Katsuki to move in, you had thought Haru understood that it was temporary. However, looking at him in this moment of time, you could tell the bond the two males had created in such a short period of time. 

If you were being honest with yourself, you would be sad to see the grumpy looking ash blonde not moping around or chipping in with the housework. As much as you wanted to say he could stay, you knew you couldn't be selfish and that Katsuki had his own life. 

"Well. He has his own home remember and he was just helping mummy, whilst her leg was broken!" smiling as you look towards the man you'd fallen hopelessly back in love with. He could never replace Ash but you never really did stop loving him.

"It's ok little man. If you ever need me and I'm not here or out saving people, and it's ok with your mummy. I guess I can come to visit and we can go to the park and lots of really cool places!" Luckily, his words get Haru distracted and back onto his breakfast that ends up making your bedsheets a crumby mess.

Finishing up Katsuki grabs the dishes, taking them downstairs as you snuggle up to your little monster. "Hey mummy!" he lies on your legs looking up into your eyes as you look down grinning.

"You think daddy is watching us?" the look in his eyes that he gives you almost breaks your heart, whilst Katsuki stands listening outside the door for a moment. 

"I think he is ya know. He also told Katsuki to come to look after us, if anything bad ever happened." Stroking the hair from off his forehead you can see the tiny coggs in his head whirring at your words.

"Were daddy and Katsuki friends?" he queries as you remember everything from school.

"Yes, baby. One time, Daddy and Katsuki fell asleep snuggling mummy. That was a long time ago. They use to look after mummy together as well, but then mummy and daddy decided it would be best if Katsuki became the best hero he could be. We missed him soo much, but then daddy got back in touch so that Katsuki could meet you. As you're mine and daddy's number one hero!"  Sighing you know he wasn't old enough to really understand what you were explaining.

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