Chapter 56- acceptance letters

Start from the beginning

"YOU DID IT OH MY GOD-" Ji-won squeals as she gasps next to me. I can't help but start screaming in excitement, and she lunges at me in a huge hug, jumping and wrapping her legs around my waist and embracing me tightly. We're screaming together and spinning in circles, laughing and getting teary. I almost don't even notice amongst all our own chaos that out of no where my parents pop out from our pantry. This time I scream from surprise and almost drop Ji-won, but quickly recover as everyone envelopes me in a huge hug, congratulating me and honestly making me feel so proud.

         "I-I thought you guys were at work." I stammer once the hug loosens after an eternity of laughing and yelling joyously. Although my cheeks hurt at this point, I can't seem to wipe the grin of my face. My mother beams at me.

         "We wouldn't miss your big moment for the world."

       "Smile for the camera!" My dad adds, and I gasp and cover my face, embarrassed when I realize they've been recording the whole thing. I'll ask them to send it to me later, and I'll probably watch Ji-won hugging me over and over and over, tormenting myself. Maybe I already do that enough with our old pictures, though.

        Nonetheless, I was too happy and proud at the moment to worry about any of that. I had just gotten into my dream university. This is the one part of life that really went as always had been planned.

         I glanced to Ji-won. Will she continue with our plan too?

         Every time I asked her recently, she avoided the topic of college. Whenever I asked where she genuinely wanted to go, she just responds with "I have many options."

         I don't want to add to her guilt of leaving Korea, if she decides to, like Principle Choi recommends. Apparently there's much better Universities abroad, although Seoul is still a great place to study. Not great enough for Ji-won's impossible standards, I guess.

        I really don't want to hold back her fullest potential, especially when it comes to something so important, like choosing a University to attend.

         But God dammit, I'd probably die on the way to the airport, before I could even see her goodbye. I can't lose her.



          Hoseok and I make our way to my house after all the excitement settles down. I know that now it's my turn to be the center of the same scene. My heart is beating wildly, and although I'm smiling and laughing while chatting with Hobi, on the inside I'm being overwhelmed with anxiety, more now than ever.

          I know I'll probably be accepted into all 11 Universities I applied to- that's not what I'm worried about. The problem is that I still haven't decided where I want to go.

         Actually, let's rephrase that. I want to go to University of Seoul with Hoseok, more than anything, but unfortunately it ranks 20th in the country, which isn't nearly good enough for my parents' and teachers' expectations.

I haven't decided where I need to go. To meet everyone's expectations, to stay true to my fullest potential. In my eyes, Seoul National University is an amazing option. I would still live in my city, and although we wouldn't be on the same campus, I would still see Hoseok really often. We'd be 30 minutes apart at the max. I don't see what the big deal is about not going there, really. It's ranked number 1 in South Korea, and 60th worldwide.

But of course, Tsinghua University is 25th worldwide, Tokyo is 27th, and Peking is 30th. It makes a huge difference...

          But will I really let a rank decide my future? Decide who I will stay close to, decide the rest of my life? Will I let 35 stupid ranks tear me apart from my family, friends, lover, and home?

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