1: In Which She Does A Cinderella At The Ball

Start from the beginning

"Mr.De'Amico meet Stefan King. Stefan meet Mr.De'Amico " She introduced the two men who were having an intense stare down.

There was so much tension between the two that it could be cut with a butter knife. Before the two men could have a war of words, Skylar's phone rang and she excused herself.

"Hey, Sam. Is something wrong?" Sam rarely called her unless something was wrong.

"Penny... Sky she had an allergic reaction to peanut butter and we don't have an EpiPen at home. So I rushed her to the ER. The doctor's looking at her now." Samantha sounded panicked and breathless.

"I'll be there. I'm leaving right now." Skylar hung up before rushing to let Stefan know that she had an emergency.

When she reached the bar, was still standing next Stefan, the testosterone in the room was suffocating.

She awkwardly cleared her throat diverting the attention of both men to her.

"Stefan I need to get to New York Presbyterian Children's Hospital. Penny had an allergic reaction to peanut butter. I'm sorry for having to cut the evening short."

"It's completely fine. Penny comes first. In fact, I'll drive you, "Stefan offered immediately.

"Ummm, don't mind me asking but who's Penny?" Ethan feigned ignorance.

"P-Penny is my daughter. I'm sorry we have to go. It was nice to meet you Mr.De'Amico." Skylar gave him a stiff smile before grabbing Stefan's hand.

"Likewise and I hope your daughter is okay." added.

He wanted so badly to go with her, to finally meet his daughter. But that would ruin everything, all his plans. So he prayed instead, prayed for her to be safe and sound.

- - - - - - -

Skylar was panicking all the way to the hospital. Even Stefan's constant reassurances could not calm her down. She kept fidgeting with her dress and her eyes drifted to her phone every two minutes.

"We're here."No sooner did the words left Stefan's lips than Skylar rushed out of the car and into the hospital building.

With Stefan right behind her, she asked the lady at the reception, "I'm here to see Penelope Hart, she's my daughter."

"Okay. Penelope Hart. She was brought in for an allergic reaction. Room number 1102." She replied and gave Skylar a sympathetic smile.

Skylar ran towards the elevator with Stefan on her heels. A few seconds later the lift stopped on the eleventh floor of the building.

When they walked into the waiting room, they were greeted by a relieved looking Samantha.

"I-Is she okay?" Skylar asked her best friend, hesitantly.

"Yeah. She's just asleep now. Come on, we'll go see her."

Stefan cleared his throat, "I'll come in later."

Skylar nodded her head and rushed into the hospital room.

The sight that greeted her was sad. Her baby was on the bed in an oversized hospital gown with an IV tube taped to the inside of her wrist. Skylar placed a hand on her soft pudgy cheek and kissed her forehead.

Penny let out a soft sigh before her eyes fluttered open. "Mama," she let out a little whine at the sight of her mother.

Skylar gingerly lifted her off the bed, carefully maneuvering the IV tube to the side and placed Penny in her lap.

Penny clung to her mother's heat and let of out a quiet sigh."Are you feeling better baby?" She asked Penny who nodded and mumbled an incoherent reply. Skylar ran her fingers through her daughter's curly auburn hair and kissed her head.

Just then a knock was heard at the door and a face peeked in. Stefan smiled at Skylar and showed her the teddy bear in his hand.

"Guess who's here, baby?" Skylar asked her daughter.

Penny giggled and the smile on her face widened when she saw Stefan.

"Swevan! You here!" She screeched before trying to wiggle of her mother's lap to run to him. Skylar held her tight because if she let her run then she'd end up ripping out the tube.

"Of course I'm here, princess. And look at what I got you." He walked closer and bent down to talk to the restless little girl.

He handed her the teddy bear with a pink bow around its neck and picked her up from Skylar's arms, careful not to jostle her too much. Penny automatically nestled into him and buried her face in his the crook of his neck.

"You gave your mama and me quite the scare, princess. Don't scare us like that again. I don't think your mama will be able to handle it." He said as he rubbed her back soothingly.

"I is sowie, Daddy Swevan." Little Penelope mumbled, nestled in the arms of the man who she thought was her father.

Both Skylar and Stefan stiffened at her words but the latter was the first to relax.

"Maybe we should make us official Sky," he said.

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