Chapter 41

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Victoria POV

I see Adriana in her house, brushing her hair and trying to do her edges, she was always so bad at it.

I snicker at my thought, slapping my knee. "Thats a knee slapper" I whisper to myself.

I get a text and pull out my phone to read it.

Maya❤💍- Where the hell are you?

I sigh at the text and put my phone on silent.

Its time to take her out once and for all.

Maya POV

*2 weeks later*

I stand at the funeral, holding my hands together in front of me. I look down at Alice's body, smirking to myself at what I have done.

"She was an awesome person" I say to her parents, nodding and her mom and dad hug me tight. I hug them back, not feeling bad at all.

Blake walks over, holding my waist with his strong arms. He told me about him and Amanda's hook up...yeah I was mad, but I forgave him since it was a while back.

Plus, I was kind of busy trying to make up an excuse of how Alice is dead and why she looks like she just left from a butcher house.

"You okay, baby?" He whispers, biting my ear. I smile, nodding "Im fine babe" I whisper, watching Alice's older brother.

"Why are you looking at him?" He asks, noticing me as I watch him. "Thats Tyrone, Alice's brother. Something seems off about him." I say.

Blake stares him down with me, eyeing him like a hawk. I feel Blake's arms tighten when Tyrone looks this way, walking towards our presence.

Tyrone makes a stop when he reaches inches from me. I smell the cologne and smirk a bit. "Tyrone" I say in a serious tone.

"Maya Celine Fox, didn't think I would see you here." Tyrone chuckles, looking me up and down. I fake frown, "well I am the one who k- I mean found her body." I relpy coldly.

He bites his lip, looking at Blake. "Hi, I'm Tyrone, I am sure you have heard about me?" He asks in a cocky manner.

Blake looks up like he's thinking. "Actually I have. Weren't you the pizza guy?" He smirks, making me giggle under my breath.

Tyrone sighs in frustration, rubbing the back of his neck. Look at his muscles I think to myself.

I shake my head, getting out of my thoughts. "Well, it was nice seeing you, but me and my husband would love to say our goodbyes and get out of your hair." I say, walking away with Blake's hand in mine.

Blake chuckles and looks at me. "You naughty little girl." He whispers in my ear. I blush and start to feel hot, my cheeks burning like crazy.

I turn to him, "maybe I need to be taught a lesson" I giggle, teasing him by placing my hand on his you know what.

He clears his throat, watching me closely. "Oh baby, maybe I should do that, after all, you did kill someone." He says, leaning down to me and kissing my lips gently.

I taste a hint of hunger from his lips and kiss his lips back, biting it after we needed air.

Blake looks into my eyes, dark and lust filled in them. "You're so getting it, baby." He smirks. He grabs my ass and starts walking to the car.

"You are so beautiful Maya." He whispers, pinning me to the hood of the car. I blush deeper and deeper.

"I know." I act cocky. I feel something poke my thigh, causing me to look down and look. My eyes go wide when I see Blake's little friend poking out of his dress pants.

Blake grabs my throat, pinning me to the hood once again. "I think it wants you." He kisses my neck, biting it to tease me.

I giggle, moaning and wrap my legs around his waist. "Maybe not here Blake." I say, looking at the house in front of us.

I see people in there, not paying attention. He keeps going, sucking on my neck.

"Blake" I moan out his name quietly. He smirks on my neck guiding his hand to my thigh, rubbing it in circles.

"Maya, I want you so bad" he groans, pressing his body on mine. I bite my lip harder, ready for him to take over.

"Not here. People are watching" I gulp seeing people watching us now. He doesnt care and keeps going, unzipping the back of my dress.

I start to feel nervous, people recording us. "Blake" I whisper again, needing him to look at me.

He continues unzipping my dress, lust taking over his body.

"Blake! Stop!" I yell, causing him to stop what he's doing and looks at me with his brown eyes.

He gulps, nervous "I'm so sorry..." He moves away, running his hands through his dark, brown, soft hair.

"Hey, it's fine, lets go" I grab his chin, his eyes watering. "I can't" he replies, moving his head from my hand.

"W-why?" I ask, looking at him and trying to figure out what's up with him.

"I feel like the guys who raped you so many so sorry" he says, shaking his head and crying.

"No, no, no, no dont say that. You're nothing like them. I enjoy this...but people were watching" I say, trying not cry.

"Maya...please forgive me..." He says, crying into my shoulder. I nod, crying into his chest. "Baby, it's okay." I run my hand through his soft hair, kissing his cheek.

"Let's get home, the babysitter is ready to go." He nods, kissing my cheek and fixing my dress for me.

We get in the car and start driving away. I see him shaking a little so I grab his hand and hold it tight in mine.

He smiles, starting to feel relaxed as he squeezes my hand, bringing it to his lips, kissing it.

"I love you Baby girl" he says looking into my eyes.

"I love you too" I whisper. are you guys?

Sorry for the long update I have been pretty busy with school and everything.

Thank you for staying humble and patient while I was away.

Stay strong and kind.

Love you


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