Chapter 27

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My mind goes completely blank as i hear Blake is my arch enemy. I look at Destiny, "how the hell do you know that?" I ask.

She looks at me, "When we wrote that ransom note he came to pick up Jackie and his brother"

I shake my head, "you know that you have to kill him right?" She says. I nod, "I understand that, but I can't. I think I love him" i say.

She shakes her head, "He's the leader of the gang that ruined your life, you have too" she says. I look down, "i-i cant...." she sighs and walks out the room, leaving me alone.

I hear a knock on the door then see Jackie with wide eyes as Blake walks in behind her. She shakes her head at me. "Hey, you okay?" He asks.

I feel my monitor going crazy, i nod. He grabs my hand and i immediately start feeling anger and hatred towards him.

"Maya?" He asks again, concerned. Jackie grabs him and shakes her head at him. "Not now" she says to him.

I told Jackie everything that had happened with The Eastside Legends. She started hating them more and more as they days went on.

They know what they did.

Two years ago:

I was walking down the alleyway for the night job and i am with my best friend Hannah, and my girlfriend, Alice. Yeah, I'm Bi.

As we walk I play around with Alice, i tap her cheek and smile. "Stop it you bum" she says. I chuckle, putting my hand over my chest where my heart is.

"You know you love it when I mess around with you" i say in a seductive voice. She smiles, her pearly white teeth glowing.

We all put our masks on and we see a car approaching. "Shit" we all say in unison. I grab my gun and hold it behind my back.

Hannah tries to shoot at them but she gets shot in the shoulder. "Hannah!" I yell. She falls over, holding her shoulder.

I see someone pop their head out the window. "Your going down Cobras!" He yells. He's wearing a mask also.

Eastside Legends, always ruining our fun. I shoot the man in the passenger seat and the guy in the back.

The guy shoots but missed me. I smirk and he drives away. I hear something fall to the ground. I turn to see Alice, bleeding from her chest.

"Alice!" I yell, running to her side. The first person I loved dying before my eyes. "I-i love you" she says before she closed her eyes and slowly dies.

"I love you too!" I nuzzle my head into her neck as i cry.

I take Hannah to the hospital and leave Alive there she always said if she died let her stay where she is.

I come back from my memory and feel tears form. I look at Jackie and she comes to me, "it's going to be okay" she says.

I shake my head, Blake looks at me, "Maya? What's wrong? Tell me, please" he says. I shake my head again, "I just to be alone right now"

He tries to walk to me again, "Blake! Leave!" I yell, my body starting to ache and my monitor going crazy.

He looks down, walking out. Jackie closes the door for him. I lay in the bed in the room, alone. No one to bother me.

I start crying, Alice died because of Blake. "I love you" i whisper to Alice, looking into the air.

I look at the ceiling then feel my eyes starting to drop. I see darkness and fall asleep.


What the hell did i do that was so wrong to make her mad? Like really what did i do? Someone please tell me.

She was so happy when I was there earlier and now she hates my guts. I groan and walk out the hospital.

I get a call from Sean, "Hello?"

Sean: "where are you?"

Blake: "Leaving the hospital. Why?"

Sean: "Stay there, The Cobras leader is in the hospital"

Blake: "What? How do you know?"

Sean: "Everyone from their gang is heading down there"

Blake: "Okay, let me grab my gun and I'll be ready"

Sean: "Good, I'll meet you there"

I hang up and walk to my car and grab my gun putting it in the back of my pants.

Sorry for the short chapter guys. Don't bite me please.

Stay strong and Kind

Love you


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