Chapter 14

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"Maya, Liam's dead"


I feel my heart stop. I mean does he deserve it? No but he didnt have to say those words and speak about me like that.

"What? How?" I ask. "Listen, you need some re-" i cut him off. "No you listen! Tell me right now! How did he die?"

He sighs, looking down. "I was tired of him talking about you. So, i killed him." He says. I look at him, tears forming.

He was about to get up but, I grab him then slap him across the face, "you didn't need to fucking kill him!" I yell, tears falling. "Maya, can we talk about this later? Please?" He rubs his cheek.

My lip quivers as I grab my suit case.

We get up and start walking out the door. His friends wanted to join so, he let them. Typical.

We get in the car as the boys let me sit in the front with Blake. Andrew, Blake's second best friend. Mason, Blake's Best friend. And Josh, my ex...

We sit there as i sing some songs. "Love Lies" By Khalid. They all sit there, quietly listening to my singing. "Your a really good singer" I hear Josh mumble.

I smile, turning to him. "Thanks..." I say. Blake looks at him through the front mirror, feeling the tension.

We get to the mall as we finish up the songs. We get out and head in, Josh on my right, Blake behind me, Mason in front and Andrew on my left.

Once we walk in I see tons of people from our school. All their eyes on me with the Golden Boys of the school.

We walk into a store that has beautiful dresses but, not my style so i head to the back where they got the boys clothes.

The boys find a dress and hand it to me. "You would look pretty with this on" I hear Josh say. I shake my head. "I don't wear dresses" I mumble.

"Well if your going to Blake's party you have too" Mason says. I look at Blake "party?" I didn't know there was a party.

He scratches the back of his head. "Yeah, my parents own the beach were going to and we go there twice a year for a special party...more like a gathering of family and friends"

I sigh. "I don't like people" they all out their hands to their chest. "What? You don't like us?" Andrew says. I roll my eyes. "I mean people i haven't met yet"

They all chuckle. "Come on please" Blake begs. I sigh again, nodding. "Fine, I'll go" he smirks "knew you couldn't say no after looking at my beautiful face" he says.

I fake gag, giggling. We find a really pretty dress for me. We finish shopping after 4 hours and the boys said their feet were hurting. We sit at the food court as i share a drink with Blake since he 'ran' out of money.

I look at my phone and see some pictures of me and the boys with some mean captions.

'From Loser, to Hoe'

'Sharing drinks? What about sharing #^&*!'

I clench my phone and look around the court seeing people taking pictures and gossiping.

I also see some men who look oddly familiar. My eyes go wide as i look at them carefully. "W-we need to go" i hear Andrew say.

I look at them. "How do you know them?" I ask, they all look at me, wide eyes. They ignore me, packing everything up.

I get up as the men point at me and start walking full speed at us.

I groan, handing my stuff to Josh as I get in a fighting stance ready for them.

One grabs my arm, I simply grab his and twist it behind his back, pushing him to the ground. As I step on his face continuously.

Another one picks me up, i wrap my legs around his waist, turning myself so i am facing behind him putting him in a choke hold.

He passed out as the last one is bigger than the others. He swings, punching me in the gut then kneeing my face.

I groan, trying to look for him but I'm too dizzy to see. One of the boys kick him and Blake keeps punching him until he went out like a light.

They all help me up and look at me. "Maya? How did you know all those moves?" Blake asked, crossing his arms.

"Um, my dad taught me some moves before he died" I sigh. Mason looks at Blake and he looks back at Mason. Mason nods.

Why is he nodding?

We take my stuff and put it in the car. I got new shoes, underwear, bra, shirts, pants and more.

I look at the dress again that the boys picked out. (Dress at the top)

They know what a girl wants. I guess.

We also got me 4 pairs of bathing suits. His overall total was $12,456.78

He did say I can get whatever I wanted so yeah. Blake looks at Josh who keeps looking at me.

"You going to try that in later?" Josh asks. I shrug "maybe, it seems to...girly for me." I mumble the last part.

"You'll look beautiful" he smiles as i blush. All the boys look good but Mason, he reminds me of someone so, I can't say he's hot but he is good looking.

Blake watches him, with a death stare.

"Yeah, you'll look better than any other girl"

Hey loves! Im back. I mean I haven't left but....still. I'm here.

Make sure you keep up with the story.

Like the book? Wellx lucky for you i am posting daily now. So stay with me.

Love ya!

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