"So where are we going?" I ask curiously and in order to avoid more hints about sex talk. I am already ready to give in, just by seeing him eager.

"To a restaurant downtown. Never been there, since it's too formal for students, but I've heard the best. Olivia's choice." his eyes on the road as he talks. This dinner has already enough formality to make me think and overanalyze things again. I guess it's normal for his brother to want to meet me right? Not to mention, I am Joseph's first girlfriend, something that makes his family more curious and intrigued to meet me sooner. I wonder how Joseph agreed. I know he's not used to this kind of thing and I am sure he doesn't like the idea much yet. "Are you sure you're fine with this?" Joseph's voice breaks the silence and I realize I was just intertwined nervously my fingers, looking outside.

"Yeah I am fine... Just a little nervous, but no big deal." I beam to him, to reassure him. It's just the anxiety of the unknown, but I am sure the moment we start talking everything will be fine.

"I never expected my brother would make my fearless girlfriend nervous." He takes his hand from the wheel, to hold and caress mine. His gesture soothe me instantly. "Don't worry about anything. Dan already likes you. By quote he told me that you're wonderful, because I wouldn't settle for anything less." My eyes widen instantly. "Why do you look so surprised? It's true." He did it again! Made me speechless. I just stay put,looking at him in awe. "I just love it, when I leave you speechless." he breaks the silence.

"You are getting so good at it. Throwing your compliments without a warning..." I am trying to sound like I am raising an uprising. "But you're spoiling me and I like it." My mouth edges rise.

"And I intend to keep doing so..."Joseph says softly, caressing my hand tenderly.

Heart racing from happiness is coming so naturally when I am with him. I am so glad I found him. I was always dreaming of something like this and I couldn't picture myself having it. Now I just can't believe it. Since spring break I am living a dream. I became such a cheesy trash and a non-smitten Alice would vomit to that sight of me, but this version of me loves it.

"Here we are." Joseph announces, after a while.

He parks at the parking lot and he extends his arm for me to support and let him guide me. He is such a knight and a caring person. The moment we enter the restaurant, I can't help it but let out an exclamation of admiration. It's a big and a really nice place. Its decoration combines the modern with the classic element, having chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, but modern design tables and chairs on a wooden floor. Huge windows at the back, permit to the moonlight to enter the beautiful place, while the lucky guests sitting next to it have a view at the garden. The place is full of people. Every table is taken and everyone is dressed in nice clothes. I guess the place has really great reviews.

Joseph gives his last name and a cute waitress lead us to our table. Dan and Olivia are already sitting there, talking and smiling, really close to each other. They are such a cute couple. Dan is like the photos I've seen at Joseph's house in spring break. A really handsome young man with dark hair and blue eyes. He and Joseph share some common characteristics, like the face shape and the nose. They have the same eyes too, but Dan's are a darker blue. On the other hand, Olivia is the definition of the cute woman. Cheekbones, small nose and a bright smile. She seems so small and fragile next to Dan.

"Here you are!" Dan stands up the moment he sees us and smiles. Another thing in common with Joseph. The charming smile.

"I know you couldn't wait for my arrival, but you don't have to make it that apparent. Your fiancee will be jealous." Joseph winks at Olivia, being his hilarious self.

"Should I feel threatened?"Olivia giggles at his comment,making it apparent she's really familiar with Joseph, while Dan eyerolls. I want to laugh at the way they behave around each other.

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