"How is Haru?" they both asked "Yeh he is good. He is currently making Grandpa watch the Pokémon movie for the millionth time!" you laugh as everyone continues talking. You can feel red eyes on you as you look over at Katsuki "Oi...idiot what you looking at?" you smirk "Duno...but looks stupid to me!" he smirked back "Tch!" you pout before grabbing your phone checking the time. You said you would ring Haru before his bedtime at 8 pm because it wasn't a school night.

"I'll be right back." you say before you start walking off, Shoto grabs your arm before your able to get any further "You ringing Haru?" he smiles "Yeh...I'm checking he is in bed!" you smile as no matter how sad you are feeling the thought of speaking or seeing your little man is everything to you. Katsuki keeps glancing at you and as he hears you talking about your son, he looks at your face and your positively glowing

"Aww, facetime him...you know I haven't seen him in like forever." Momo groans "Fine!" you pout as you call your dad "Hey everything ok?" he looks at you worriedly "Yeh is the little man there...he should be going to bed!" you comment as Haru grabs the phone.

"Mummy, Grandpa gave me the best ice cream." he beams covered in chocolate "Dad seriously he won't sleep now!" you pinch the bridge of your nose annoyed that he has been given ice cream at this time of night "Mummy you need to chill!" Haru smirks, knowing full well he has grandpa wrapped around his finger making you shake your head laughing. "SOOOO MUMMY. IS GROUND ZERO THERE?" he shouts down the phone making you instantly look up with your eyes as wide as dinner plates as you see Katsuki glance at you when he hears his hero name, whilst he is talking to Kirishima. "He is...don't worry, I'll get his autograph." you give the little guy a thumbs up. 

Trying to distract him you turn the phone to face the Todoroki's, as well as Ryos and Mei who is about to burst with excitement to speak to the little boy. "However, look who else is here Uncle Shosho, Aunty Momo, Aunty Mei and Uncle Ry" you pass the phone to them so that they can hopefully tire him out a little. You can hear them talking to him as he is hyped on sugar though, and the first thing he asks is how Sakura is. Whilst they're chatting Midoryia and Uraraka walk over "Hey...sorry for your loss!" they both say as you look up at them "Please...I'm fed up of hearing it." you smile politely as you say it before you change the subject "How's life?" with that you start talking about lots of different things, from hero work to kids, before you see the phone being passed back to you. "Ok here is mummy...Night Haru!" Momo comments as she passes the phone back to you.

"Mummy...is that Deku and Uravity you're talking to? You're holding out on me!" the little four-year-old comments "It is baby but it's your bedtime." you look down the phoneas the two heroes wave, making him squeal with excitement "Ok mummy...but you have to sing me to sleep remember?!" he grins making you glare at your child. "Sorry...I've got to go a second." you excuse yourself to go outside. "Man...that is one strong little boy!" Shoto comments as they watch you walk away.

"I'll be right back!" Katsuki excuses himself as well, following you out the door "He never stopped loving her did he?!" Shoto comments at Kirishima "Nope...Seeing her like this is killing him. I think he just wants to hold her but she would most likely kick his ass if he tried." Mina comments as everyone watches him leave behind you. "She still has that charm on her phone did you notice?" Kaminari turns to his wife Jiro who just nods.

As you get out into the fresh air you look at the little blue-eyed boy"Ok you in bed Haru! Dad, wipe his face please." you comment as your little man smiles, you feel a presence behind you. Glancing back you see Katsuki following you. Holding your hand up to stop him, as you know Haru will not sleep if he sees his favourite hero. "Right you ready?" you smile as you sit on a wall "Tucked in?" you comment as he nods "Got something to snuggle?" you smile "Yep I have Daddy" he looks sad as do you when you notice a toy of your late husband before your snapped back out of your trance but Haru's sleepy voice "Mummy...I'm sleepy!" he smiles urging you to sing to him.

Starting to sing him to sleep like you had done even when he was in your belly with Ash, and when he would go to sleep since he was born but also the song you and your son sang together, as you both said goodbye to the man you both loved dearly. 

🎵You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear. How much I love you. So please don't take my sunshine away!🎵 

As you finish you feel a tear in the corner of your eye as you smile down the phone at an almost sleepy Haru. "Mummy...*yawn* your soo pretty when you smile!" he yawns again a little longer with dazed sleepy ocean blue eyes. "aww thanks, my little prince. Now go to sleep and I'll see you in the morning" you smile "Only *yawn* if you promise we can go see *yawn*  Grandma and Grandad Bakugou tomorrow!" freezing on the spot as you slowly turn, to glance into the shocked red eyes of Katsuki who looks a little taken aback. 

"Ok baby boy... Dad can you text it's been a while...I need to start going out again I guess!" you laugh "You're the best mummy now go shake *yawn* your booty like you used to with daddy!" he finally can't keep his eyes open any longer as he drops off as you speak to your dad for a moment. You hadn't noticed most of class A had also decided on getting some fresh air as you came off the phone. 

****Thank you for reading****

****I Don't own BNHA or pictures****

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