Chapter 11

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Something in the air is not right the massive power of evil scaring the maids as he walked past the source is coming from him the last king in the hands of all darkness following in the pace of his walk.

Vixton knows he couldn't stay any longer besides this beauty he knew deep down he got to protect her but he doesn't know is what his father was planning could cause.

He made his way down the hallway the weird atmosphere being the source of causing shivers to ran down his spine. In the back of Vixton mind, he knew his father caused the querying form of all the maids although they greet him they shake within his sight

Coming upon a grand door the silent voice of his father approving access breakthrough "yes father you called" his voice held confident not showing any sign of fear towards his father

His father's eyes met his the evil glare met his stern ones, the look of danger written all over his face, not backing down Vixton share the same look

"You know son I've been thinking...." he paused making sure he had his son attention "...I should lead this realm again under my rule," he said his voice getting more serious as ever, as Vixton notice what was happening the door opens with guards flowing in holding on to the King with a grip of his teeth he fights against the men that held him "Don't you think son, don't you think I can do it all by myself," he said the menacing smile coming to play, with the swing of his finger the guards drag him away with one final look at his father the promise within his eyes.

Making their way to the dark side of the castle the king had other plans with the swing of his foot connecting to the guard that held his arms stomach with the release he connected a next kick knocking the guard out with the impact he wasted no time breaking the other one's head sending his body through the door

He disappeared in the thin air leaving the mess for whoever finds it.

Waking up to a cold bed once forgotten she knew he wasn't there that feeling of loneliness the vivid sadness soon forgotten as the sudden appearance of the man on her mind enter the room 

His hand-tied causes a feeling of sudden worry to come to the surface to queen Cleo, she grasps as he breaks the rope without the bit of effect he piles a bag of items needed, Cleo sat with an unknown feeling of an urge to ask as soon as he entered "We have to go now" he said no space for arguments with a second word he pulled her to stand disappearing from the open space of the room. 

















Bane third person

A smirk played on his very lips the very smirk of what he's gonna have when he ruins this world crafting it to the way he sees fit, the pure evil of a beast entered his soul, the unforgiving evil entering as the magic makes his form powerful. 

The prophecy is not to be complete never will it be complete the evil and darkness shall rain slaving the very soul that looks down upon the vampire world.

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