Chapter 7

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Once again, I woke up to the same painful pang in my head. My eyes slowly opening to the intense burn of my eyes. I rubbed the drowsiness away but I stop noticing t my neck was tingling. Raising my hand to the spot, the soft brush of pleasure shocked me. I flash my hand, unsure of the feeling, yet I was angry.

'What spell is this' I heard my mind rang.

I groaned in pain, trying to suppress the pain in my head. 'was this how I gonna wake every morning in pain' faded memories come back causing the wincing pain to be somewhat permanent.

I felt the pulsing pain from my neck not daring to move too much. Even though I was in pain my anger seems to rise.

'that bastard did this, that blood...thing'.

Just the thought of him tasting my blood, run my anger to an extent. I had to close my eyes thinking of happy things. Thinking of my kingdom the very land I want to see again in its excellent glory of beauty but that thought might be far away out of sight. 'No'

I sighed in defeat reminding myself as soon as my pain subsides am going to escape from this place, power or no power. I wasn't the queen because of my power I had more tricks up my sleeves, determined.

But where do I start? The room was like a dark residence with only the shine of the moon aiding my sights.

I glance around, my heart race from the horror shock, each corner of the room were only walls 'don't rooms usually have doors', my heart almost faint seeing no form of a door in sight.

'Calm down Cleo, remember different realm, different functions'

I calmed myself, this might be his plan, his plan of proving to keep my lock up here. Not gonna show that bastard that he can get under my skin. Just then an annoying shear-like sound came, it's like teeth click together or sharp objects rubbing violently.

I felt my panic before it even came, facing the window my curiosity came wanting to know what creature was making that sound. I didn't move from my spot the window stood across the room opposite to me. I stare out the window trying to see through the blanket cover darkness but it was useless but then again the ringing was too much to bear. It like a predator calling its prey, I knew this yet I got up walking slowly towards the window, I still couldn't see but the funny thing was that the noise stopped whatever this was it was playing with me, taunting me.

I couldn't see it yet I felt eyes staring at me, hungrily burning my skin, instinctively I look up to the leafless tree, I gasp as looked up to see red eyes staring back at me, the most frightening image of only its eyes, with the present of madness within its gaze my fall back slowly on shaky legs. My mind blanks seeing it still looking at me, heavens I can't look away, it was as it is calling me towards it but the look of hunger, madness and violent intent stare back at me. I ran back into the bed, feeling the touch of the bed I look away. In the spite second I looked back at the window, thanking the gods it was closed but the thing was now gone, whatever that thing was it scared the living strength out of me.


I had been sitting in the same position for what felt like a lifetime and I was actually too scared to the bone to move from my spot, more less this place was scaring me. sigh what am I suppose to do around here it is not like I could walk out, no door existed?

I bit back my nerves getting off the bed on steady legs leaning closer to the wall trying my luck, my eyes kept glancing out the window checking if that thing came back. With relief I began to search the walls, it was the vampire realm and magic for a fact existed.

In my search I came out successful with the god-sent click of a lock, the brick slid in revealing a wooden door.

I move from shock to impress.

My only bet to hope it was open but why would it be.

'I was so stupid'

the door open with a click

I smirk

'he was so stupid'

I hasitanly stuck my head out greeted by dark hallway finding the walk of life nonexistent, I breath a sigh of relief to my glee I began to walk out of the room but was stopped by a heavy force of a push throws me backward, back into the room. I landed on my buttocks, lost for words feeling as if the wind got knock out of me. The once open door slam shut immediately, I got up slowly cautiously lost for words.

the hell just happened?

What kind of magic was this?

That bastard I looked around the room finding no one in sight, running to the door trying to force it open but it was closed shut like it never opened before. I found myself screaming in rage kicking it over and over again until I was tired, I knew it was going to be useless. I tried opening my third eye so I could see beyond this misfortune. It remains shut as something holding it in place.

It was the game of the prophet to this generation all my life trying to fight it but I knew deep down it was useless all the work I did was useless.

I fight not to cry for it was useless as well, I was the sole reason why my nation has to suffer my uselessness was not weakness but it was something that I can't fight.

I sat on the floor out of breath, the thought of not getting out of here saddens me knowing that by this rate I'll be forced to marry that thing. I felt disgusted at the thought of him touching me as me crawling in my skin. I am overeating. But no it was a twisted fate 'this prophet' but not without a fight with destiny.

The gods are cruel in the slightest of ever thinking that a vampire and a mystic could ever join. As this lace my thoughts it sounded more like a Fantasy than an actual real life tale. I breathless sigh pass my lips, bringing  my knees up to my chest as I lightly rest my head.

How long am I suppose to stay in here it felt like years gone by already but the sky remains the same. No peek of sun or even clouds can be seen just darkness all around with the lightly shine of the moon within its starless sky. It was scary with the forever darkness thing going on here yet I wasn't fazed by it, I just want to go home. I decided to rest my eyes the exhaustion finally making itself clear, to get some sleep but the sleep never came so I closed it tightly hoping for it to take me.

I heard the door click but I let my eyes stayed closed already knowing who it was by the powerful dark aura filling the room.

No sound was made, no movement, no nothing, just deafening silence and a burning sensation along my arm, eyes staring holes within my soul. It became so uncomfortable but I didn't dare move. I wonder what he was thinking, what he was planning to do. My strength slowly leaves my body but I didn't miss the slight touch felt on my arm causing goosebumps to play along the area, his hand was so cold 'just like his heart' my heart whispered but something else told me that this confusing man had a hidden secret.

The pain from my neck returned with its pain but it was like hot and cold with a mixture of desire. I wanted so badly to attack him but I felt too tired to move even the slightest of a muscle. His hand stop stroking my hair, I heard the shuffle of feet feeling a presence sitting right next to me on the floor. His hand holding a strand of blonde hair but I didn't miss the muffle sound of him inhaling the lock of hair.

I felt to be moving further into dream land, completely ignoring his presence but I find that I can't.

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