Chapter 28

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The exams were slowly approaching and I have been studying non stop for the past
3 weeks I needed to do well on the exams cause i actually wanna go to a collage and major
In dance and maybe audition for a company so I've been studying non stop even ignoring
Invites to go to my favorite place "café bake"

"Hey! Y/n let's go to the café later after school" Lisa requested

"Can't I have to study" I said

"Your always studying can't you take a day off or something?" She asked

"I really can't, sorry" I picked up my bag and walked out of the school gates and suddenly
Felt a sharp pain in my stomach

Is my period already here? That's quick you thought to your self

You grabbed a chocolate from your bag and ate while walking to your house just then
Someone bumped into you and spilled their coffee on you

It was Lisa along with some other people that you didn't know she didn't even say sorry and
Just glared at you

"What the hell?!" She screamed

"Look what you did to my designer clothes! Don't you know how expensive these are?!
Probably not just look at your clothes! HAHA what a geek!" She laughed

"Lisa? What the hell are you talking about?" I asked

"Who the heck are you? And why do you know my name?!" She asked again

"Probably a stalker! HAHA" one of the girls said, it was Minni my brothers girl friend

"Minni?!" I asked

"Why the hell do you know us!, !" Minni screamed

Just like that they left me there while they walked away laughing I was so confused
Me and Lisa were so close we were best friends and she suddenly forgets my name?

And Minni was my brothers girl friend we were so close because she wanted me to introduce her hoseok, what's happening?

"What was that?" A voice said behind me

"What- jimin? What are you doing here?" I asked

"I was gonna walk you home until they came" he said

"O-oh it's okay there no harm"

"No harm? They literally back stabbed you!"

"So what if they do, were gonna move anyways so what's the big deal I won't be seeing
Them in forever"

"That's not the problem y/n, the problem is that they were your friends" jimin he's always like This, a big brother figure to me

"Aren't you gonna tell your brother about this?" He asked

"Hoseok? Maybe..." I said

"Well the decisions yours y/n but if I were you I would stay away from them from now on" with that he left

Doesn't it even matter? I mean I'm gonna leave any way so they can ruin my life all they want I'll get another fresh start anyway

I went home to see my brother and Minni sitting on the couch he was hugging her while she was crying, just as hoseok saw me he
he quickly stood up and slapped me hard

"What the heck y/n!" He yelled

"What!" I yelled back

"Why did you call Minni a freak!" He yelled

"W-what..I d-didn't say that!" I told him

"As if I'd believe you! Your such a liar!" He said

My heart sank to my chest I couldn't believe my own brother would call me that I stood there looking at the floor years running down On my red cheeks

"Fine! Believe that girlfriend of yours!" I yelled

"Get out of my house, you wouldn't want to share the same house with a liar for sister Wouldn't you?!" I screamed

"What did you say.."


"Don't scream at you brother! Fine I'm leaving don't come crying to me when that
Stupid boyfriend of your breaks up with you and you no money left, "

My heart was breaking into millions of pieces never have I had thought my own brother
Would have call me a liar tears were running down on my swollen face my legs
Feeling weak and wobbly felling like I was gonna fall any minute now

Before he got out the door I told him one last time

"Just, never forget me, your sister who cheered you up when no body was there and when no one believed in you When no one thought you could become the dancer you are now"

"Oh and don't come see me. Ever . Again"

I slammed the door on in his and finally broke down I fell to the floor and let the tears fall

My bully jungkook  || j.jkff (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now