Chapter 14

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Y/n's P.O.V

I wake up and look at the ceiling for a while before I get up, it was Monday meaning I have to enter
The gates of hell again and I'm still unsure for my feelings towards jungkook but today we will be
Going on a vacation after school I'm not exactly sure where it is but I'm very excited, we'll be going
With my untie and my cousin's. After taking a shower I go Down stairs and eat breakfast and head
Out the door before I could I get a text from my brother

Hoseok👀: hey lee, the vacation was moved so instead of next week after school it will
Be today after school so prepare your things, I'll pick you up later.

                 Y/n-ah🐽: okay, but why today? Is it important?

Hoseok👀: none of your business, just pack your things cause we'll be leaving early, k?

              Y/n-ah🐽: ugh, fine but you better buy me kimchi after this

Hoseok👀: tsk, who do you think you are? Buy your own, pig

          Y/n-ah🐽: your sister, and besides it's such a hustle so just do it for me!

Hoseok👀: ugh fine, but you better do me a favor after that, I've done two things for you

     Y/n-ah👀: yeah whatever

After texting my brother I put my phone inside my pocket and put my earphones on and play some
Music I open the door and head to school I was so lost in my own world I didn't see where I was going
And bumped into someone

"S-sorry I didn't see where I was going" I said but I didn't really care about it to be honest

"It's alright just watch where your going weirdo" he replied back, did he just call me a weirdo?!
This dude he doesn't even know me and he's calling me names? Wow New recorded

"Excuse me?, what did you just say?" I asked as I looked up about to punch who ever this person
Was but calm down after seeing it was just jimin my friend who was like my more NICER brother

"I said 'weirdo' anyways wanna walk to school together?" He asked

"Yeah it's not like I have any thing better to do" I replied back putting my earphones again

We walked together headed to school quietly until I saw someone coming towards our direction
They looked familiar but whoever it was they were really slow so I continued walking to school
With jimin , the person was coming closer to us, we stoped walking and so did the person they went
towards us, I took a closer it realized it was jungkook my eyes widen and grabbed jimin's arm and
Dragged him along with me to the other entrance of the school I was running so fast I could've won
A race back there

I stopped for a while to breath and let go of jimin's hands he looked at me weirdly and asked me why I suddenly ran for no

"Uhm..lee, care to explain?" Jimin asked

" W-what? " i said panting

"What you just did back there," he said

" i-- wait let me breath for a second" i said panting

"Haha, am I really that heavy?" He said jokingly

" W-what? I- I don't know"i said breathing heavily

I was breathing like crazy from running for like what? Five minutes i really need to get fit or less I'll be getting tired from
Walking for like one second before I could take jimin's hand to
Go back to the entrance of the school someone grabbed mine i turned around to take a look at the person and saw the one and only jeon jungkook my eyes shot wide open when I saw his expression he looked scary as heck he looked angry

My bully jungkook  || j.jkff (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now