Chapter 24

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I was seven months now . Avery and Micheal had already gone home , Brandon stayed but chase left to pack up some of his things . I was eating breakfast with Don when Brandon made his way downstairs .

He was wearing a turtleneck and a blush across his face . He sat down in front of a smirking me . "He marked you huh ?" Brandon looked shocked not saying anything .

He finally broke . "Yeah ." He sighed out . "I thought I could wait but he just ." He flustered . I laughed . "Me too bud ."

"Do you want to help me paint my belly for some pregnancy photos ? I've already taken a couple but I want to paint a wolf but I need help." I asked Brandon . He nodded . "Mom told me you'd ask since I'm a painter ."

"She knows it all ." I chuckled . "I'll grab the paint stuff and meet you in the back porch ." I Said as I climbed the stairs . My belly was pretty big now and definitely getting in the way . I couldn't wait for my lil guy to be out .

I grabbed the clear tub of paint and brushes before exiting the storage closet . I took a peek in the office to see if Donovan was in there. "Hey baby ." He Said once he saw me .

I smiled and walked over to him . I set the tote on the desk and stood between his legs . "Let's see my guy ." He said lifting my shirt . He rubbed my tummy between his huge hands . "Hey bud ." He whispered .

These are the moments I'm goin to miss once he's here . "He's going to be big and strong ." Donovan told me . I laughed and shook my head . "What are you doing with the paint ?" He asked pulling my shirt back down .

"Brandon is going to paint old pack markings on my belly for some pregnancy photos ." I told him . He nodded . He gave my a kiss on the lips before sending me on my way .

I made my way outside on the back porch to see Mack cornering Brandon . "Shoo Mack you cant attack my brother right now ." I Said jokingly . Mack playfully growled and gave Brandon a gentle shove towards me . He spanked him in his butt as he did so .

Brandon gave him a look before coming over to me . Brandon took the box before telling me to sit . I sat down on the porch chair and Brandon dig through the paint . Brandon had begun .

"How did it feel , the mark ?" I asked Brandon . "Really good , not in like a sex type of way . But like I feel more connection or tethered to Mack in a good way though ." Brandon tried to explain.

"I feel it , me and Donovan's mating at the beginning was horrible . I honestly didn't even know myself how could I expect to love him ?" I gossiped .

"We used to be the little gossips in the family , so give me all the details ." Brandon's aid fixing his glasses . "Well we met in the facility , mates , and then broke out . We ran straight here where I basically saw Donovan and his rekindle lost bonds ."

"While I was trying to be Luna , be there for Donovan , and try to figure who I was and what everything around me was . I had no idea what snow was before ." I told Brandon .

"That's crazy , the saying 'you have to love yourself before you can love someone else' really is true ." Brandon dryly chuckled . "How did you get through it ?" He asked before applying more paint to my arms .

"I spent some time apart learning more about myself with May. After being away for like two months I knew I loved Donovan but I needed to get to know him first , because let's be honest I didn't love him . It was only the mark tying us together ."

"But after getting to know him , meeting you guys , and finally after freak forever I know who I am ."

"How do you feel about Donovan now ?" My brother asked me . "Oh god I love him , he's amazing , and patient , but god he's sexy ." I laughed at Brandon grimace .

"I can't lie before I knew you guys were mates Donovan was looking yummy , but then I met Mack and let's just say honey the carpets match the drapes ." I laughed and Brandon's crude words .

"Who let you mate a redhead ." I laughed and Brandon continued to paint .

I had been basking in the warm sun for a while , while Brandon painted . Brandon was so peaceful when he painted . He was intent and so light with his hands . It was no wonder at how good the painting turned out .

"Brandon it's beautiful , I really love the vibrant colors ." I told Brandon as he picked his work apart . Artists . "Yeah could be better ." He mumbled . I rolled my eyes and went into the house .

"Babe!" I shouted walking down the hall . I threw his office door open . "Baby coming through ." I Said to Mack as I shoved him out of the way .

"Look what Brandon painted ." I told Don. "I like it , it looks ancient though ." He pointed out . I gave him a kiss on the lips . "Come on , you have to shift for photos ." I told him . He nodded and stood up stretching .

We walked downstairs to see a pack member who was taking the photos of us . Donovan shifted and I undressed behind his huge wolf form . May came back and helped me get the white silk wrapped around me .

It covered my boobs and my lady bit , while flowing around me . After it was stuck to me , we turned around . I stood my long hair flowing within the brisk wind , Donovan stood beside me , in the parental stance wolves seemed to have .

You could always tell when a wolf was protective of their own . They had beautiful body language . We moved on to another pose of me sitting cross legged and Donovan wrapped around me .

We finished up some of those before going into the water . We got one of me standing in the water , before Donovan got in . He wadded in after me .

We took some more photos of us in the water before getting out . Donovan stood there letting me dress behind him , before shifting himself . He dressed in shorts quickly . I gave him a big warm hug .

"I love you butthead ." I told him with a laugh ."Of course Baby mamma ." He shook his head at me . "Let's get this party going ."

We trudged back to the house , Well Donovan did I got him to carry me not even a quarter of the way back . "Don , baby , my little smoochie baby will you give me a foot massage pretty please ." I begged as Donovan put me on the couch .

"Anything ." He said pecking me on the lips . He lifted me legs up and slipped beneath them on the couch . "Here put something good on ." He Said tossing me the remote .

I turned on 'The Shape Of Water' before relaxing into the couch . Not even twenty minutes later , drama . That's all this pack is , drama . Everyone is a psychopath here .

I don't know if it's Donovan's wolf instinct rubbing off on me but I've been on edge lately . Everyone around me seems to bug me , the only one to soothe my salt is Donovan . I can't even handle May being near me .

I feel as if I want to claw everyone's face off until they understand to go away forever and leave me alone . "Chrissy , Babe c'mon you know that's not what I meant !" Chase shouted as the girl ran up the stairs .

Chase sighed before he noticed us . "What did you do now ?" I asked pausing the tv. "I don't even know , dude all I Said was that maybe in a few years we could move back to McMinnville to be by Mom and dad ." Poor Chase looked confused .

"She would get mad for just that ." I Said . "Ok well maybe I might've said that she was dumb for picking a pack over a mate ." He Said wringing his hands .

"You are an idiot , you best get on your hands and knees ." I Said before relaxing back into the couch.

"Can't say she isn't wrong ." Donovan said before running his attention back to the tv as well .

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