Chapter 22

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I had woke up bright and early this morning . Donovan has just gotten back from patrolling . It was 8 am now . We had stayed up pretty late last night .

I got up , showered , and dressed . I chose Capri length jeans with frayed cut offs . I put on a simple striped t shirt on and slid on some sandals . I wanted to look presentable .

Donovan and I headed down stairs for breakfast . As we entered the big dining room , I noticed none of my family were out here yet . That was good , I didn't think it would be a good idea to leave them alone in a room full of wolves .

As we sat down Mack looked spazzy . Mikey sat in front of me while Mack sat to my right . Donovan of course at the head of the table . "Are you ok ?" I asked as I filled my plate .

"I don't know , today just feels odd ." He mumbled before eating himself . I shrugged it off , he would tell me if it got serious or not . I began eating when my family came downstairs .

Mack visibly tensed next to me . Brandon sat cross from Mack while chase was on the other side of Mack . Avery and Micheal sat in the last two chairs next to chase as well.

I gave Mack a funny look . He looked rigid and tense , almost embarrassed? He stared intensely at Brandon . Brandon caught his eye a few times and blushed every time he did so .

I nudged Mack's leg underneath the table . "Stop staring at my brother ." I whispered into his ear . He couldn't drive them away , I just met them . His eyes turned wide before he looked down at his food blushing .

I think I know the real reason why he and Keith didn't click . Because Keith wasn't the one he was meant to be with .

I shrugged their weirdness off and continued eating . I knew they would end up together and I think they've got it covered themselves .

I finished up my meal at the same pace as everyone else . It was difficult though I must say . I was ready to talk to my mom , and find the real reason I got kidnapped .

It plagued me day and night . I wanted answers . I finished up my meal and had Donovan help me stand . I didn't need him to help me but I know helping me made him feel good .

Besides I was getting big now , I know this baby is going to be a big boy . I swear if Donovan gives me another big baby I'm going to be mad . I want a little tiny baby that I can cuddle forever , not have Donovan make him into a brute .

I walked my plate to the trash and left it in a washing bin . Donovan , my family , and I all walked upstairs to the suite . My brothers joked around , my parents admired everything , and Donovan caressed me .

Life felt better , everything did . We entered the suite living room and Donovan helped me onto the sofa. "Donovan you have to show me and the chase the training area , let's see if this boy can fight ." Micheal said as he and Chase shoved each other around .

"Of course lets go ." Donovan chuckled . He gave me a kiss goodbye as he led them outside . "Mack should be downstairs , Brandon ." I tipped .

He blushed and nodded , before running downstairs . "Seems like both my kids have future here , huh ?" Avery joked . I gave a nervous chuckled .

"Um actually I was wondering if we could talk ?" I asked nervously . God Oliver give me some courage ! "Sure , what about ?" She asked getting a little more serious .

"My memory is still missing chunks , I was wondering if you could tell me about how you adopted me ?" I hope I didn't offend her . Some people don't like talking about this stuff .

"Of course , now I've always been very open with the whole adoption thing . Actually I was hoping to avoid this whole situation by doing so ." She laughed out . "Now all jokes aside , I am your mom . I may not be your birth mom but to me I've done everything I could to fill that roll ." She paused .

"I didn't want to make this whole adoption thing g , seem like an adoption . I wanted us to be a family and just because I didn't give birth to you doesn't mean you aren't my kid . But I never chose to have kids , Micheal was infertile and couldn't provide me with children ."

"I love Micheal and decided to meet him halfway in the middle and adopt . Now the adoption for you three was a struggle , the state wanted home check and this and that . It was a mess . But after getting through the loops we had to wait forever . After a year of waiting we kind of gave up ."

"But our of the blue at 6 am , we got a call from our agent lady saying 'we have kids here that need a home , would you like to meet them ?' ." Avery mocked her agent .

"So of course we Said sure , and drove five hours to go see you . Apparently your mom was a single mother who was had overdose on whatever drug she was using . Your father didn't want you because he was also doing drugs and none of the family members wanted anything to do with them or you guys ."

"Your mom gave us all right to you guys , she knew she couldn't care for you . So we loaded you up and took you home . It was amazing the pack and everyone was so excited to meet you guys !" She gushed .

"How old were we ?" I asked . "You were only about one I think , while Brandon was 3, and chase was 6 ." She recalled . I nodded .

"Can you tell me anything about my kidnapping ?" I was on a roll with these question . She nodded . "You were on a school field trip actually , it was a camping trip in the sarhacha woods . We got a call the next day that you had done missing and we never saw you after that . You were only 16 , it broke our hearts when we found out you were gone and we never stopped looking ." She was tearing up .

I got up and gave her a tight hug . "Can I call you mom ?" I whispered in her ear , tears in my eyes as well . "Of course Baby , I'd have it no other way ." She Said as she brushed my hair .

We pulled away after a moment . I felt way more comfortable now . "Now how about me and you find those boys and go swimming or something . I'd say we have some over due family time ." She Said standing up .

"You leave and come back pregnant ." She Said jokingly . I laughed along with her as we went down to find the rest of our gangly crew .

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