Chapter 7

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I was two months along now yesterday . I went into dr Noel yesterday and she told me I had a healthy baby . The moodiness was what set in. It felt like my first few weeks here all over again . I just looked at Donavan's sweet sweet face and I wanted to punch him .

He was to sweet , I couldn't go pee in the toilet without him right there practically carrying me there . "Hey are you sure you aren't hungry anymore , we can have them bring more food ?" He asked for the twelfth time .

"No! ," I shouted . "Just stop hovering !" He was breathing down my neck . Immediately after I said it I regretted it . I walked over to him and laid my head on his chest letting him rub my back . "I'm sorry ." I whispered out .

"It's ok , I just wan you to be healthy and happy ." He Said . "I know , this whole trapped thing is pushing me to my limit , I want to get it Of here ." I told him

"I told you I would give you anything you wanted , so we will leave ASAP ." He told me . "Thank you baby ." I Said hugging him .

"We are leaving tonight ." He stated . "Woah that fast ." I exclaimed . "Yes , the sooner the better , Eat you are going to need your energy ." He told me .

They had given us a backpack with some baby items in it and another one with clothes for us . HA. As if we believed that they were going to let us keep our kid . We weren't gullible .

I took some of the bags of chips I had been craving and stuffed them into the backpack , then I put all of our water form the pitcher in to the baby bottles . "I love how smart you are ." Donavan told me, making me smile .

After throwing our clothes into the other bag I sat on the bed . "What now ?" I asked .

"The plans is , I will lead us out of here , shift , then you climb onto my back and we run ." He told me . "There's no other way ." I nodded , I was ready it was worth the shot . We miss 100% of the shots we don't take .

After a while of fidgeting and cuddles form Donavan the guards switched shifts . "Ok get ready to feign some pain ok ?" He Said . I nodded .

"Ok now ." He Said . I began crying and saying how much it hurt and that there was something wrong . "You have to come in here she needs help !" Donavan exclaimed . "No there's no time for someone else , you have to take her to dr Noel now !" She shouted .

The gullible mealy little guard they had ran in immediately without second thought . Leaving Donavan to snap him neck . Donavan grabbed the fun , taser , and handcuffs of him before grabbing my hand and running . We ran down various hallways and corridors before we heard guards coming after us . "Shit." Donavan muttered .

"There !" Exclaimed "The exit !" We ran busting through the door the so carelessly left unlocked . Donovan Shit at the guards in the little box thing guarding the gate and we slipped through it .

He shifted ripping all his clothes and I clambered on top of his back . He was huge, this is why he never got to shift it the room . At least with me in it . He took off at full speed while I held on tightly to his fur . The guard chased after us , shooting at us with their guns .

"Ah ." I shouted and one bullet grazed me let . I pushed my head into his fur trying not to think about it .

After hours of him running , we reached a stream at sunrise . I climbed off him and let me use him as a cane lowering himself and me till my butt hit the ground . My legs were like jello and my left thigh was burning .

With shaky hands I looked at it . The split skin and bloody mess . Some of it was already crusted on there . It completely ripped through my sweat pants . After Donovan on shorts he walked over to me .

"I'm so sorry , I should have been more careful and faster ." Donavan enabled looking at my leg . "Hey , its worth my freedom ." I Said looking around . "Is this a tree ?" I asked touching the big tough thing behind me .

"Yeah it is , all of them are ." He sighed looking stressed . "Loosen up and help me identify these random objects ." I Said nudging him with a smile .

He smiled back . "Here let's each drink a bottle of water and then we can refill them in that thing over there ." I told him .

"Ok and that's a river ." He Said laughing and pulling out two baby bottle . We twisted the caps off and drank . I ate some chips because Donavan wasn't going to let me leave without eating something .

He came back from the river with a strip of fabric . "I ripped a shirt of mine , here ." He Said . He pulled my pants down a little bit and wiped at the blood around my cut . Then he tied the strip of fabric around it .

"Ow ow ow ." I Said griping his shoulder as he tied it . "Ok done ." He Said after he was well done . "Come one we have to keep going . He placed a backpack on his front and gave me the lighter one .

Then I hopped on his back and we started out of foot . "I can walk you know ." I told him. "Yeah , I know ." He replied. Such a stubborn man o swear .

Looking around I saw how pretty it was out here . "Oh oh what is that ?" I shouted looking up at the blue sky. "That's a bird babe ." He told me.

"Cool ." I Said my eyes never leaving that thing hat flew above our heads . "I like it out here ." I Said and snuggled into his neck . "The baby does too."

"I'm glad , you'll love where we are going even more . " he chided . "Are we going to walk all the way ?" I asked . "No , there's a town a ways this way and from there we will take a bus ."

I had no idea what a bus was or a town but I didn't care . He got me freedom and I trusted him because of that. I yawned having stayed up the entire time we ran out of fear . "Sleep baby , I don't mind ." Insisted Donavan .

With those words I was out like a light .

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