{ Here I go again }

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It was a sunny day in London, not as cold as usually. It all started as a perfect day, but then one thing slipped into my mind.


Shit, I had school today. My alarm went off 15 minutes later, cause I was already up, and I just wanted to change my clothes. I changed and walked back to made the bed up.

I saw my phone was lighting up with a message. Of course it was a goodmoring text from one of my best friends Shanaya.

Text from: My Gurlll 💋❤️

Hey gurl, goodmorning!! Ready for school? Well let's go, I'll pick you up in 10 xx

I didn't text back, cause I knew that she was at my door in a few minutes.

Just when I took my bag with my books I heard a knock on the front door. And there she stood beautifully, Shay.

"Shay you're looking so good!!! Oh my god!!" I yelled and she gave me a hug.

"Oh my god you tooo!!! I've missed you so much Ash!" She yelled back, still hugging me.

"Babe, I love this, but seriously.. We have to go, otherwise we'll be late on our first day of school!" I said and we ran out of the house and drove to school in Shay's car.

~ at school

"Oh my god, I'm so glad that I know somebody who's in all the classes with me." Shay said while checking her subjects.

"I know right!! Wait, you're not in all of my classes.. You're not in my science, music and biology class." I said with a sad face.

"Awww gurl, it's gonna be okay. We have other classes together right? And in the breaks we're also seeing each other, so don't worry bubs." She gave me a smile and then hugged me.

The bell rang and my first class was science. I walked in and sat down at an empty bench. Almost everybody was in except for the teacher and a few students. Everybody has a lap partner except me, I was still sitting on my own.

Until I saw a boy with blond hair, he was skinny and tall and he looked amazing. Just perfect you know, he's like a typical guy best friend who's also a bit handsome.

The seat next to me was the only one who was left, so he has to sit next to me. He was looking for an empty seat and then he saw the seat next to me. He walked towards the table and walked to the other side with the empty chair. He was smiling to himself, and I didn't know why, but it looked so cute, oh my god.

He sat down and I quickly looked away. I looked at the books in front of me and opened random pages and looked at the pictures. I saw him staring at me, so I turned my head and looked back at him.

He laughed and said: "So.. Are you new here? I've never seen you before, I think. Oh wait! Maybe I saw you last night, in my dreams." He winked.

"Good pick up line mate." I smirked and I saw him blushing.

"Haha I'm sorry, I'm Ashlyn, but you can call me Ash, and yes, I'm new here with my friend Shanaya, but she has a few other classes and we're not always in the same. So what's your name?" I asked and being in a politely mood.

"I'm Tristan. Well you have a beautiful name Ashlyn." He said in a posh accent.

I laughed and didn't realize that the teacher was already starting his class.

He told us about things like different metals and how to make something that was 1 liquid turn into something like 2 liquids and that kind of shit.

While Tristan and I weren't paying attention to the teacher, we just talked. I now know that he's living here in a house with 3 boys and that they all go to school here.

His mates are called:

- James , he loves to fitness, is a bit of a diva, he has dirty blond hair and is 18 years old.

- Connor , he loves his bearded dragon, can turn into Davey Jones, has also dirty blond hair and he is 16 years old.

- And Brad , he is obsessed with his dog Jesse, loves sleeping, can twerk as the best and he's "dating" Tris, Tradley. Well okay then, he has brown curls and he is also 16 years old and almost 17.

We just wanted to talk about my friends when we suddenly heard the bell. Wow, that lesson was quickly.

Tris and I were walking out of the classroom and made our way to the music class. When we arrived I saw Tristan ran over to a guy with brown curls. He gave him a hug and then he did the same to the other 2 guys who were already seated next to each other.

I just walked, in a awkward way, to an empty seat, but then suddenly I felt a grip on my wrist. It was Tristan. He pulled my arm and we made our way to his mates.

"Guys, here is the one and only, Ashlyn Mcqueen!!" Tristan yelled and pointed at me.

I just put my head in my hands, trying not to blush from all the embarrassments.

I felt two soft hands on my hands who still covered my eyes. The two hands took my hands and rested them on my lap.

"Hey, don't be embarrased, he did so much worser things to us." He winked.

"I'm Bradley by the way, but you can call me Brad." He smiled.

"As you know I'm Ashlyn, but you can call me Ash." I giggled.


"Ah okay, beautiful name for a beautiful girl ayeee." He smirked.

"Well thank you." I smirked back.

We just stared in each others eyes before we were interrupted by a few guys who were saying: hello? Hellooooo? And they waved their hands in front of us.

"Oh hey guys, sorry..." I said and blushed a bit.

"Awwww is little Ashlyn blushing?" Tristan said in a baby voice.

"Shut up." I said and punched him friendly in his arm.

"This is gonna be a long year." I said to myself.



So I just started this new fanfiction. And I'm quoting some lines out of The Vamps songs so yeah, maybe they don't fit very well but I don't care.

And I also wanted to ask what your opinion is :)

I don't really know if I'm going to stop my other story : I want you to be mine. Or to continue and write a sequel or something.

Please comment, vote and share!

x Sanne


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