Date with Subaru

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It's rare that Subaru and you ever go out together but when you do he always ends up getting into a fight with other guys or getting kicked out of restaurants for causing a commotion. The idea was brought up and you tried to turn him down nicely.

"No, that's sweet but I don't think it's a good idea today. Ok?"

Subaru looked a little disappointed.


He walked out of your room and disappeared.

"Maybe I hurt his feelings."

You went to look for him but he was nowhere to be found.


You called out to see if he would appear but he didn't. You started to get worried so you talked to everyone but no one knew where he was. Eventually he appeared out of nowhere asking you the same question.

"Let's go out."

"Subaru, I want to talk to you-"

"Tch! I wasn't asking!"

Subaru grabbed your wrist and led you to the limo. You got in first and he followed after.

"Subaru are you ok?"

"I'm fine!"

You sighed.

"Tell what's going on. Why are you so frustrated?"

"It's nothing."


Not pushing any further you dropped the converstion but that's when the driver hit a deer. You flew and Subaru catched you.

"What the hell!?"

Subaru was so angry that he snapped trees in half with his fist.


You watched him quietly as he flipped his shit.


He turned to face you while a tree fell.

"I need to use the bathroom..."

He blushed.

"Why are you asking me like your a little kid! Go use it by yourself!"

You pouted and went into the woods to relieve yourself. Once you were finished you tried to find your way back but you got lost.

"Subaru? Subaru!?"

You called out to him as loud as you could but there was no reply.

"Great now I am lost. What is his issue today? Why is he so much more angry than usual?"

You sat on an old log and waited, after some time you started falling asleep. It was getting dark and cold.



"Why did you go so far away!? Tch! Just forget it we won't make it!!!!"

Subaru ran with you in his arms to the extra limo that he called for and you both entered the city.

The limo pulled up at a very high class fancy restaurant.


Subaru enjoyed watching your reaction. His mood was brighter like he accomplished something until you went inside and found out that his reservation was canceled due to the fact that he showed up two hours late.

Subaru broke tables and chairs flew. Of course now you were also banned from this place too.

You tried to remain calm until Subaru accidently hit you in the back of the head with a chair. Every last ounce of patience left your body.


He was a little shocked.

"Sorry...its just Iwanted to take you somewhere nice today but things kept going wrong and I was angry that nothing was working out."

"Why is it so important to you? We can go out anytime."

"It had to be this place..."

Subaru blushed

"Why? Spit it out."

Subaru reached into his pocket and pulled out a ringbox. Your heartbeat quickened. He knelt on one knee with red cheeks. Inside the box was a beautiful diamond ring.

"Will you marry me?"

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