Secret night out with Subaru

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Subaru's words echoed in your head, I already knew this whole time...

You had so many questions that ran through your mind like-
Why didn't he call me out on it?
Why did he not tell anyone?
How did he even find out?
It didn't make any sense to you at all but you realized something and raised an eyebrow at him.
" is it that you know my secret when the only times I sang was when I was taking a bath?"
He froze in place and you crossed your arms waiting for an answer.
"I-It's not w-what you think! I swear! I would never look at you while you were taking a bath!"
You scoffed at him "Jeez you don't have to diss me so harshly a simple no would have been fine..." Your features dropped.
"NO! I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT! I THINK YOUR ATTRACTIVE AND I WOULD WATCH YOU IN THE SHOWER ANYDAY I-" You busted out laughing and the people nearby heard what Subaru was saying to you so they yelled out comments.
"Get a room!"
"What a cute couple!"
"I wish I had the guts to confess to my crush like that!"
"I've never seen such a bold young man like that in my day! What a shame!"
You giggled at the peoples comments and Subaru had both hands over his face to cover up the fact that he was completely embarrassed. It was literally the cutest thing you have ever seen and you couldn't help but smile warmly at his reaction.
You walked up closer to him and whispered in his ear. "Subaru-kun since you peeked at me you owe me now."
Still blushing he lowered his hands and put them in his pocket. "Tch. What do you want?"
You thought for a second and smiled happily. "You have to take me out on a date."
He looked at you for a moment and pulled you by the hand leading you to the train station. "What are you doing?" He squeezed your hand lightly and warmth spread throughout your whole body making you blush. "I'm taking you out on a date."
You felt your heart flutter at his words and you held onto his hand tighter. "I've been waiting for the day to come where you would say those words to me..." You moved closer to him and his cheeks turned pink. "M-me too..." His spoke in a whisper. "What did you say? I couldn't hear you." He looked away "N-nothing..."

You and Subaru got into an empty train and he sat away from you. He was still a bit embarrassed so you wanted to tease him. Subaru was sitting and you towered over him as your hair tickled his face. His eyes met yours and you placed your hand lightly on his cheek. His eyes widened as you brushed his white hair away uncovering his left eye. You intensely explored Subaru's features and got caught up in the moment.
You were the one who was trying to mess with him but in the end you were the one to be caught in a trap. You were lost in Subaru and words slipped out of your mouth without you noticing.
"I've never seen anyone so beautiful. I could stare at you all day." Subaru stood up never breaking eye contact with you and held you by your waist. "You shouldn't say things like that without expecting me to punish you. Don't ever call me beautiful again.."
Even though he spat those words at you there was no harshness in his tone and his faced contradicted with what came out of his mouth. His lips were about to meet yours and you closed your eyes waiting to be kissed but then someone cleared their throat.
Subaru let you go and covered his face with his bangs. You were disappointed and sat next to him looking in the opposite direction.
An old man walked in with his wife and their two grandsons.
The old man elbowed his wife laughing. "Hey you remember how we were when we were kids?" His wife blushed slightly "Oh leave them alone, you will only embarrass them." You looked at them and smiled. They sort of reminded you of your parents. Noticing you looking their way the old man started a conversation with you and Subaru. "So let me guess. This is your first date." You and Subaru were shocked by him. "I can tell by the way you looked at each other. Especially him." The old man smiled at Subaru "She's the one kid, don't screw it up!"
Your heart skipped a beat and Subaru gazed at you from the corner of his eye. He was thinking hard while looking at you, and after a while he let out a smile.
"Well! This is our stop!" You and Subaru waved at the old man and his family while they left the train but before the door closed he yelled out "Don't have too much fun!"
You did a face palm and Subaru maintained a light smile. Something was on Subaru's mind and you wanted to find out what it was.
"What's up with you?"
"Yeah right I've never seen you smile so much....oh no have you fallen in love with that old man!?"
"Hahahaha I'm kidding!"
"Don't be like that Baru-tan~!"
Subaru's eyes almost popped out of his head and his cheeks flushed.
"Baru-tan!? What the hell is that!?"
"It's your new name, so get use to it!"
"Why not!!!??"
"Because that name is stupid!!"
"But I like it. It's a cute name for you!!!!"
"Ugh your such a brat. I give up."
"Ha! Yes!"
The train stopped moving and the doors opened.
"Let's go."
Subaru stood up and walked towards the exit while you followed. He didn't say much after that as he lead you to a beach. The closer you both walked to the water the colder it got. Subaru grabbed some pieces of wood and set up a fire. You were admiring his manliness until he broke the silence. "Wait here. I'll be right back." Before you could speak Subaru teleported and you were left sitting by the fire. It was already late and your eyes grew heavy waiting for Subaru to return. You had fallen asleep without noticing and Subaru shook you lightly until you woke up. He was holding a bag of goodies and another bag that had food.
"Here...I got this for you." You looked through the bag of goodies and you noticed that it was filled with all your favorite candies. "Wow! How did you know I liked this stuff?" He hesitated before he answered you " I-I noticed you sneaking candies during gym class and I guess somehow I remembered most of them." He sat beside you and opened up a can of juice and gulped it down. Then Subaru looked up towards the moon. "I'm sorry..."
You stared at him "Why are you saying sorry?"
"I'm not too good at stuff like this. I'm pretty sure Laito or Ayato would be good at taking you out to places. But when you asked me to take you out, this was the first place that popped into my mind..."
You leaned your head on his shoulder and sighed quietly. "You think too much. In all honesty I'm very happy. The fact that you brought me here is a dream in itself."
He remained silent. "I'm not the type of girl who likes to go to expensive places or receive expensive gifts. As long as I'm with you I'll always be happy." You nuzzled up closer to him and he wrapped him arms around you." What does that even mean?"
Something sparked in you and you held Subaru's face, using your thumbs to caress his cheeks "That means that as long as it's Subaru beside me the place doesn't matter. As long as Subaru is by my side I don't need gifts or fancy restaurants. I'm satisfied with just being with you." He looked stunned. "It means that beyond your fits of rage or you being a total jerk sometimes or even being distant somehow in the midst of getting to know you, you have stolen my heart from right under my nose."
Subaru smiled a smile you have never seen before on him. "Do you mean it?" You nodded "Then prove it to me. Kiss me." You blushed under his piercing gaze but you wanted him to understand how you felt so you kissed him. You poured out your heart through this kiss and he went weak in the knees. You pulled away but he pushed you down onto the sand. "I might have stolen your heart but just now you ripped mine right out of my chest." You laid there with wide eyes as your heart beat went crazy. "Tonight I'm going to make you mine. Prepare yourself because from here on out you belong to me heart, body, an soul. I'll kill anyone including my brothers if they try to steal you away." After he proclaimed these words he kissed you deeply and began to travel your body with his hands.

This is officially the first night of you eternal love with Subaru...

Diabolik lovers(Fan fiction/One shots)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt