Laito's Change Of Heart

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The bell rang for fifth period which meant it was time for you to go to art class. Normally you would hate going because you shared it with Laito but lately he has been acting weird. He doesn't try to come onto you, in fact you kind of feel like he has been avoiding you.
Maybe because a few weeks before you blew up at him and told him off. You said some pretty harsh things to him and you even slapped him in the face. After that Laito was definitely not the same anymore, he hasn't even shown interest in any of the girls at school. He was completely disconnected from the world and you felt really bad, but you didn't know what to say. It all started because of something stupid anyways.


You wanted to visit an old friend that happened to be visiting your area but of course you couldn't leave by yourself. Laito stepped up to escort you, but he was the last person you wanted to go with. On the way to the restaurant, which your friend had decided to meet you in, Laito kept coming onto you but you deflected him each time.
Once you both got to the restaurant you glared at him.
"You better not do anything stupid! Just act normal for once and keep your mouth shut!"
"But (Name)-chan~."
"No buts! I use to really like this guy and I don't want to look like an idiot in front of him."
"Awww~ Was it unrequited love?"
"Ugh whatever. Let's just go..."
You walked in with Laito and introduced yourselves. In your eyes everything was ok but little did you know Laito's blood was boiling.
Laito didn't like the fact at how you were getting along so well with this guy. Jealousy wasn't his thing but in this case he couldn't stand seeing this guy making you laugh. He couldn't stand this guy casually touching you as if you were just some random girl.
Laito's face darkened and your friend noticed.
"Um is everything alright?"
You gazed at Laito and put your hand on his shoulder.
"Laito what's wrong?"
Laito smiled at you but there was darkness in his eyes.
"Am I ok? Are you doing this on purpose just to make me jealous? I see the way your looking at him. Did you really expect me to sit here while you flirt with him?"
Your eyes widened and your friend tried to defuse the situation.
"I'm sorry I just thought you both were friends, I didn't mean to cause any trouble."
Laito completely ignored him and continued to give you his icy stare. You could tell that things were getting out of hand so you got up.
"Maybe we should meet up another time. I'm sorry you witnessed this."
"Oh it's alright..."
"Your not going to see him again."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard what I said."
Before being able to respond Laito drags you outside to the limo.
"Let me go!"
Laito let you go and opened the limo door giving you a signal to get in, but you were not having it today.
"You don't own me Laito, we aren't even together. You get to have any girl you want and the second I show interest in someone it's a problem? Screw you."
You didn't budge from the spot you were in which only made his blood boil. Laito was pretty scary when he was angry but you were pretty angry yourself.
"I told you to get in! Know your place!"
Without thinking you slapped Latio with full force. Laito grew quiet and watched silently as tears formed in your eyes.
"You know what, let me fill you in Laito. I don't like you one bit, in fact I hate you. Your the worst guy I've ever met and you disgust me. How can you flirt with girls and sleep with them as if it's nothing. Then you have the balls to act the way you acted towards me and my friend today? Are you kidding me?"
Laito put his head down holding onto his fedora. Tears fell from your eyes, one after another.
"Why do you have to be like that!? Do you know how much that hurt me!? In the beginning I actually liked you...maybe even loved you but now that feeling is long gone. I refuse to be just another girl that falls victim to your games. No matter how many times you try you will never have me."
You declared this with a burning hatred in your eyes and Laito couldn't even respond. You scoffed at him and got into the limo slamming the door behind you.
The limo drove off with only you in it, leaving Laito behind.
You walked into the classroom and the only seat open was the one next to Laito. You stood there and your eyes met his but he quickly looked away.
"(Name) please sit down."
The teacher called you out so you had no choice but to sit next to him.
"Ok class today you will be working in pairs with the person next to you. Your assignment will be to draw a portrait of each other."
You started to draw Laito and it made you kind of sad. Out of curiosity you looked at Laito from the corner of your eye but he just stared at the paper lost in thought. Then suddenly he started drawing you slowly.
You turned your attention to your paper but you could hear your classmates whispering.
"How can they draw each other when they haven't even looked at each other once?"
"No fair. Why did she have to be partners with him?"
"Ugh, who does that bitch think she is."
You were about to say something but Laito beat you to it.
"If you have something to say then say it to our face."
You were stunned at the deepness in Laito's voice and your classmates remained quiet after that.
After about another 10 minutes you finished drawing Laito and it came out awesome. You were very pleased with your work, that you even let out a smile.
For some reason though the more you looked at the drawing of him the more you felt sadness grow in your heart.
Laito watched you in the corner of his eye and snatched the paper from you. His eyes lit up when he seen the drawing of himself. You put your head down in embarrassment and decided to finally talk to him.
"C-can I see what you drew?"
He paused for a second, then slid his drawing onto your desk. What you saw broke your heart. He drew an exact replica of a selfie you and him took being silly together on his phone a while back.
"How...did you manage to draw this without even taking out your phone?"
Laito's cheeks turned pink.
"Since you told me you hated me, I haven't been able to stop looking at the pictures we took together. If you want I can delete-"
You began crying and the class, including your teacher looked in your direction.
Laito got up and took your hand in his leading you to the roof of the school.
All you could do was cry. It was a lie. You didn't hate him, you loved him, you just hated the stuff he did.
He lifted up your chin and looked into your eyes.
"I'm sorry..."
When he said those words you hugged him tightly.
"(Name)-chan~ I missed you~"
"I missed you too..."
Laito went silent for a moment but then had the courage to speak.
"So does this mean I can go into your room and have fun with you doing this and that?"
As he said this, he drew a heart on your back with his finger.
You removed yourself from his embrace and pinched his cheek as he blushed.
"Owwww~ (Name)-chan not so rough~!"
"You perverted piece of-!"
You sighed heavily and patted Laito's head like a puppy which made him smile.
"It's good to finally have you back Laito..."
"Admit it."
"Admit what?"
"Admit it (Name)-chan!"
"Admit what!?"
"Admit it that you love me~"
Your face turned red and he chuckled.
"You admit it!"
"I love you~"
You covered your face and whispered but Laito couldn't hear you.
"Hmmm? I cant hear you~"
"I love you too..."
Laito smiled brightly and spun you around.
Your eyes meet with your classmates and you officially died of embarrassment.
"You heard that girls? Spread the word! I belong to (Name)-chan!"
Everyone started talking amongst themselves in disbelief and Laito whispered in your ear.
"Tonight I'll give it to you until you can't take it anymore...."

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