A Romantic Boat Ride with Azusa

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Your Pov

It was around 6 and I was sent out to get some food for the Mukami's. I wasn't allowed to go out by myself so I chose Azusa to come accompany me. We made it into the city but before we could make it to the store I seen a poster about a boat ride in the park.

"Hey Azusa, look at this."

I pointed to the poster and Azusa looked at it.

"A light....show?"

"Yeah, it ends today. Do you think we can go for a bit? Please?"

"But....Ruki...is waiting...for us..."

"It will only be for a bit, I promise!"

Azusa nodded and I grabbed his hand leading him to the park.

We entered the park and what I saw was amazing. It was a place filled with different assorted flowers and lights hanging on the cherry blossom trees. The only problem was that the event ended. I sighed and an old man approached us.

"Sorry young lady, the park is closing."

"Right. We were just leaving..."

I let go of Azusa's hand and began walking on my own.

I heard the old man sigh heavily.

"Look I can keep the park open for another hour. The boats are still free to use so-"


I pulled Azusa towards the docks and got on a boat. The boat swayed and Azusa fell on top of me.


"I-It's ok.."

Azusa showed no signs of moving and my heart pounded. Then that's when I heard a growl.

"What was that?"

Azusa blushed at sat up helping me up as well.


That's right he hasn't eaten all day.

"Drink my blood."

Azusa's eyes widened at my gesture.

"Azusa...I know your hungry. It's ok."

I smiled and stretched my arms out to him. I thought he would suck my blood but instead he kissed me. His lips were soft and his kiss was sweet. He pulled away and began kissing my neck. A moan escaped my lips as his fangs pierced my neck. He drank my blood until my vision blurred.

He laid down on the boat and had me rest my head on his chest. I looked up and noticed that the boat has moved with the currents on it's own. Cherry blossoms fell from the tree's and even the air smelled sweet.

Azusa blushed as I moved his hair away from his face.

"It's really beautiful here. Do you like it Azusa?"


"What is it?"

Azusa averted his eyes.

"But...it's not...as beautiful...as you..."

I was completely embarrassed so I covered my face.


I moved my hands and Azusa kissed me once again. This time there was more fire in his kiss. It sent chills down my spine. Eventually Azusa found his way on top of me.

"(Name)...can I..."

Azusa slid his finger from my lips down my chin, to my neck, and then to my chest. I nodded and Azusa began to remove my shirt. It felt like my heart was going to explode as he trailed kisses all over my chest.

*Clears throat* "I thought I told you to go buy food."

It was Ruki, but he wasn't alone. Kou had a smirk on his face and Yuma was annoyed.

"Wow! Azusa I didn't know you were brave enough to make the first move. Good job."

Yuma knocked Kou on the head.


"Azusa I sent her with you to go to the store and then straight back home. We thought something happened to you."

"Hey! What am I!? Chopped liver!?"

Everyone looked at me and then averted their gaze.


Azusa lifted up my shirt that he took off and my mouth dropped.

*Sigh* I took my shirt from him and stepped off the boat walking off.

"(Name)-chan wait for me!"

"(Name) wait! Buy me more sugar cubes!"

Both Yuma and Kou chased after me.

Ruki's Pov

I watched as Kou and Yuma chased after (Name), but I also looked towards Azusa. He looked troubled and I can see why. He isn't the only one after her...

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