Ruki Falls In Love

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You fell off your bed making a loud thud noise.
Kou laughed holding his stomach.
"You should have seen your face! It was so funny!"
You got up from the floor and pinched both of Kou's cheeks.
"Hey! Weggo of my fuss!!" / (Hey let go of my face)
You laughed at him and he pinched your cheeks back.
"Hey weggo!"
"You weggo!"
"What are you two doing?"
Ruki heard you and Kou arguing so he walked in.
He raised and eyebrow as he saw you and Kou pinching each others cheeks like second-graders.
Ruki sighed heavily.
"Keep it down, I'm reading. If you want to act like children then go outside."
You and Kou let go of each others cheeks.
"Ruki can I talk to-"
"I'm busy."
Ruki left the room quickly, totally dissing you.
You sighed lightly to yourself as he walked away.
"That was pretty pathetic."
"Kou do you ever shut up?"
"Don't get mad at me over your failing love life."
"You know, you can always just fall in love with m-"
"I wonder what we will have for dinner later...."
You walked out of your room leaving Kou standing there in utter defeat.
Kou's Status: Officially FRIENDZONED

. . .

You walked to the garden hoping you could find Yuma there. Lately you and Yuma have been spending more time together after he agreed to play cupid.
Yuma was the first to know that you had a thing for Ruki so it made you both become close friends and later on to Kou and Azusa too.
"Aaahh? Oh it's you."
"Jeez calm down, you don't have to get so excited over seeing my face..."
Yuma chuckled and ruffled your hair.
"Sorry, I was thinking about something."
"What were you thinking about?"
"It's a secret..."
"No way now you have to tell me!"
"Nope. It won't be a secret if I tell you."
"Ugh come on we are buddies, it's practically ilegal not to tell me."
"Fine. Did you know Kou likes cat ears on girls?"
"Yeah...I found that out the hard way..."
Your eyes closed halfway and you smirked.
Yuma tried to hold back his laughter but he couldn't.
"What did he do?"
You smiled at Yuma's laughter.
"I woke up to him trying to put cat ears on my head with one hand and a camera recording me on the other."
Yuma covered his mouth as he laughed almost stumbling over at the image that came into his head.
"Plus that can't be the secret. You looked kind of sad."
Yuma fell silent and averted his eyes towards his plants.
"I'm in love with a girl but she is too interested in someone else to even give me a second thought."
"Really!? Who!?"
Yuma smiled.
"It's better if I keep it a secret for now."
"Ugh your no fun..."
Yuma hugged you.
"It's nothing you need to worry about. When the time is right I will definitely tell you..."
He released you from his embrace and walked away with one hand in his pocket and the other holding an apple.
"What the hell does that mean?"

. . .

You were walking back to your room to get ready to take a bath but you could smell blood and you heard some one talking to themselves.
You walked in and saw Azusa cutting himself.
He turned slowly in your direction. Azusa stayed quiet.
You scolded him before about cutting but he didn't listen.
"What have I told you about doing that!?"
"You makes you...sad..."
"Do you want me to be sad?"
Azusa put his head down.
"So then why do you continue to do it?"
"Because... I like it when you... take care of me.... and kiss my cuts."
You blushed at his words but you still were worried about him.
You walked over to him and hugged him.
"You don't have to cut yourself to get attention from me silly!"
You rubbed your cheek against Azusa's cheek and he blushed.
"See? I love you just the way you are so no more cutting!"
Azusa gazed at you almost looking through your soul.
His expression was very hard to read but his eyes showed his anxiousness.
"Yeah I love you just like a little brother."
Azusa's face dropped in disapointment.
"Just like....a little brother...."
Your smile and happiness was innocent and Azusa didn't push it any further. In secret he liked you a lot and so did Kou.
Yuma also liked you but everytime you were together you always asked him questions about Ruki, so he didn't bother saying anything. He went with the flow of things but he was about to reach his limit.
Azusa put his knife away in his collection and you bandaged him up.
"There, good as new!"
You kissed his wound and smiled at him. He blushed and thanked you.
"Hey Azusa do you know where Ruki is?"
"He is his this time..."
You rushed out of Azusa's room to find Ruki. Azusa whispered to himself as you left.
"I be...more....than just you."

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