Date with Reiji pt.2

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"Rise and shine!!!"
"Tanaka go away..."
Mrs. Tanaka opened up the wooden windows and the sunlight came in stinging your eyes.
"Ugh it burns!!!"
You got up and rubbed your eyes.
"Where is Reiji?"
You looked around the room but he was gone.
"Oh he woke up about an hour ago and asked if I needed help with anything so I sent him to the farmers market to get fresh food and wine to celebrate."
"Really? He did that?"
"Why don't you get dressed he should be back soon."
You got up quickly and put a really nice dress on, while letting your hair loose.
After you changed you went to the kitchen to find Mrs. Tanaka showing Reiji how to peel potatoes.
You pulled out your phone and snapped pictures of him smiling and laughing. You definitely had to take advantage of this moment.
All three of you prepared dinner together and ate together as if you were a family. Reiji seemed really out of character to you and you wondered what might be going through his mind.

. . .

"Honey why don't you and Reiji go to the festival, it should be starting soon."
"What festival?"
"The winter festival by the lake. They are having fireworks this year. You should go together."
"But Tanaka we need to leave soon."
"Your right...well that's why you should just leave once your done having fun at the festival!"
"Reiji do you mind going to the festivak with me?"
"No not at all."
Mrs. Tanaka went to the hallway closet and pulled out two gorgeous kimonos.
"Here you two can go in these. You will stand out if you wear regular clothes."
You looked at Reiji but he didn't seem to mind, so you both ended up wearing kimonos.
You fixed your hair nicely and put on some lipstick that matched your kimono. You checked yourself in the mirror and liked what you saw so you stepped out of the room only to lock eyes with Reiji.
He looked so sexy. His hair was a little messy and the kimono fit him perfectly showing part of his chest.
Reiji caught you staring at him and you gave you his devilish smile. "May I help you?"

You got closer to him and put your hands on his bare chest sending chills throughtout his body. "I don't know. Can you?"
He leaned in the kiss you but Mrs. Tanaka came barging in.
"Oh my does that mean there will be a round two?"
"Ugh! Because of you there wasn't even a round one! You might be an old lady but your such a pervert!!!"
Mrs. Tanaka again ruins the moment and you grabbed Reiji's hand dragging him outside.
"Bye honey! Have fun! Reiji come back anytime you want!"
Reiji looked back and waved at Tanaka while chuckling to himself.

. . .

You couldn't keep your eyes of Reiji because he was like a different person. You kind of missed arguing with him and annoying him until he punished you. You sighed lighty and he looked at you.
"Whats wrong?"
"I think I like you more than I thought I did. This trip helped me realize how I feel about you."
He blushed a little and was at a loss for words.
"I'm so use to you yelling at me or punishing me that this Reiji is nice for a change but for some reason I miss the Reiji who always argued with me. I miss the Reiji who would scold me and make me do chores. I guess I didn't notice till now."
"I'm still the same person you know at the mansion. I was just being respectful towards Mrs.Tanaka. She has no idea that I'm a vampire but she did see the seal. Does she know what you are?"
"I don't think so. I've never used my powers around her. Maybe she knew about my parents."
"When she saw the seal she smiled but didn't say anything."
Reiji held up his right hand looking at the seal.
"How troublesome. Now I have to hide this from everyone."
"Everyone knows my secret now so why hide it?"
"You know my brothers just as well as I do."
Everything went silent and Reiji kepted looking around as if searching for someone.
"Reiji what are you doing?"
Reiji grabbed you and held you up against a tree.
"Reiji what are you-!?"
"Shhh Mrs.Tanaka is following us."
"That woman doesnt know how to mind her business..."
You both watched as Tanaka went back home after losing the both of you in the woods.
"That was a close one, lets go."
You went to free yourself from Reiji's embrace but he held onto you.
" one can interrupt me from doing what I have been wanting to do since last night."
Reiji kissed you deeply in desperation as if he wanted to devour you whole. He grabbed your arms and put them over you head.
"I thought you said you missed me punishing you?"
His other hand untied your Kimono leaving your bare skin showing.
Reiji's hand explored your body and you did your best not to give into him. "Take responsibilty for everything that has happened."
He kisssd you starting from your neck until he reached your thigh. "Who knew that you could drive me mad like this." He licked your thigh making you feel dizzy as your body heat rised and then he sunk his fangs into you.
Once he was finished he wrapped your legs around his hips and leaned up against you. You could feel his man hood and you instantly became nervous.
"Reiji are you....right now..."
You could feel his man hood grow and his eyes were misty. He was filled with lust and his breathing was heavy.
"What is happening to me? I've never felt so hungry like this before."
"Reiji please take me."
Reiji smiled at you and wrapped your arms around him.
"Are you ready? Because I am at my limit...."

No one could hear the sounds of you and Reiji's love making over the fireworks lighting up the night sky...

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