chapter 24

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*A few days later*

Taehyung sighed, his eyes bitter and cold. He couldn't think, his mind was a mess, as was his outift.

Jungkook. Jungkook. Jungkook. The one who was causing all of this, ever since that day Taehyung had stood up for that boy. There'd been a sort of well almost friendship between them.

They'd have dinner every night, and hah actually talk to each other. Taehyung wasn't even suprised to find out how perfectly they clicked. Jungkook was quite a talker.

And he was a listener. And a damn good one, but Jungkook always found the time to let him talk to. Never failed to ask him how his day was.

They fit like well puzzle pieces, friends. But the soulbound would never allow them to be friends, they had to be something more.

And Taehyung couldn't help now and then to let his eyes fall onto his soulmate's lips and wonder what it would be like to kiss them. They'd already shared one kiss.

And as much as Taehyung hated to admit it, it was a damn good kiss. And it was damn hard to not kiss that boy again.

So Taehyung being the dumbass he is, he'd somehow ended up in a godamn bar. Drinking Jungkook away.

Or well at least trying to drink the thought of him away. "Another drink sir?" The bartender questioned, one eyebrow raised up in question.

"Yes sire" Taehyung slurred out, his voice a bit hazy. The bartender just shook his head as if used to this beheavior, which he probably was.

"I'll pay for it" Then said another voice, sliding up onto of nowhere, slim body pressing onto Taehyung's.

"May I help you?" Taehyung mumbled turning to face the girl as the bartender went tk get the drink.

She chuckled, a bit breathless as she turned to him. "You may?" She husked out, hand reaching forward and toying with his collar.

Taehyung wanted to roll his eyes, he'd been hit on some many times over the years. This was just the sad type, not smooth at all.

She was leaning froward her breasts right in the vision of his sight. Sad really. Hair twirling around her fingers.

Not to be rude, Taehyung thought. But classic bitch.

However today he really needed to get Jungkook off his fucking mind. And maybe that was why he entertained the thought of her, taking a slow sip from the drink she'd ordered him.

"I'll be right back, babe. Don't go anywhere" She mumbled? Whispered? Whatever that was supposed to be.

"Mhm" Taehyung mumbled, turning to his drink. This one was damn strong, bitter two. The dark alcohol running down his throat.

And probably because of that, and the many other drinks he had. He was shit faced drunk, as in drunk enough to call Jungkook.

"Hello, T-Tae?" His fiance mumbled, his voice soft and delicate. Kind of like Jungkook.

Cute and fuzzy, Taehyung thought. And so he said "Y-you're cute and fuzzy." Then he giggled.

"T-Tae are you okay" Jungkook asked surprise and confusion evident in his voice.

"Just peachy, like a peach. Peaches are amazing." Taehyung giggled out, and maybe that was when it clicked to Taehyung.

"Taehyung are you drunk? Of course you are, I'll be there soon." Jungkook said in like one breath, not quite letting Taehyung otherwise get a word in.

Then Jungkook hanged up.

Taehyung giggled, mumbling out cute one more time to the empty air.

"Are you talking about me?" That girl, whose name Taehyung forgot. But now seemed was back from the bathroom, fell right into his lap.

"Mhm baby" Taehyung mumbled out, a bit too lazy to even flirt. He smirked, and he reached forward kissing her neck soflty.

"Mind if I take a kiss?" He questioned soflty, and the girl delicately shook her head. Seeming to freeze this close to him.

And with that he pressed her body closer to his, and pressed they're lips together.

That ought to get rid of Jungkook.

She tasted like cherries, Taehyund didn't like cherries. But he ingored it, Jungkook tastes like vanilla his mind volunteered.

Taehyung pulled away, his lips now finding the soft skin on her neck. She jolted a bit, so unnaturally tense. Taehyung didn't like it.

"T-Taehyung" A soft voice called out, and he jerked upward eyes falling on no other than Jungkook. Maybe if he'd look deeper, he would have seen that flash of hurt pass through the boy's eyes but he never did.

Instead he saw the boy roll his eyes, and tap his foot impatiently as he pulled Taehyung away from the girl.

The girl's eyebrow raised and she snickered. "Excuse you, can't you see we're busy?" She asked, smirking ready to pull Taehyung back to her.

"And can't you see he's highly intoxicated, I don't think this is really consent hun." Jungkook mumbled lowly, once again rolling his eyes.

"T-That's not for you to decide." She instead said eyes flashing, as she reached for Taehyung. But at this Taehyung pulled away, letting his body wrap around Jungkook.

"I'm good" He mumbled, his nose finding its way to the crook of the boy's neck and breathing him in.

Jungkook froze a fit, and stiffened but wrapped one small hand around Taehyung's large ones and turned to the girl. "You heard him" He finally said.

The girl all but growled as she angrily said "You're both whores." With that she turned on her heel, and left around the corner. Making sure to flash them the damn middle finger.

Jungkook snickered, and turned to Taehyung rolling his eyes. "Come on." He mumbled, dropping the boy's hand and pulling away so his face as well dropped from his neck.

"B-But you smell so good" Taehyung mumbled innocently" trailing almost like a puppy behind Jungkook.

"I'm sure that's why you were sucking another girl's face off." Jungkook mumbled under his breath, lowly. Taehyung barely caught what he said, and Taehyung's eyes widened.

As he slurred "You're a genuis, that's exactly why." Then like a little kid he let out a little 'whoo" and clapped his hands together.

"In the car" Jungkook mumbled ingorning the other boy's word. Taehyung giggled again, and brought his hands up to a salute. Mummering "Yes sir."

Jungkook couldn't help but giggle a bit a this, as he steeped into the car. He let himself as far away from Taehyung, but of course that didn't work.

Taehyung pulled himself out of his seat, then into the one right next to Jungkook. Then he proceeded to curl of and lay his head on Jungkook's lap.

Jungkook stiffened but let Taehyung be. "I'm sorry" Taehyung mumbled, and Jungkook cocked a eyebrow.

"For what" Jungkook asked soflty, and then waited and waited for a answer he'd never get.

"I'm sleepy" The boy instead softly mumbled, and Jungkook let himself slowly smile.

"Then sleep." He whispered his hands falling into the boy's soft hair. They moved closer to each other. And soon they were both asleep, in a limo as it drove across down from place to place.

They slept in each others arms, all bundled up and cozy.

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