chapter 15

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A long time ago

Taehyung let his body clump into itself, as he hid in the corner of the bathroom emptying his guts out. His father was probably still sleeping and he didn't wish to face his mother.

It'd taken some time, but he'd learned the way of the world. The world wasn't a good place and his father certainly wasn't a good man.

Not in the sense he'd hurt his sons, his father was a terrible man but he knew better than to ever touch his son or wife.

Ex-wife that is, his mother was long gone, not a speck of dust had layered the house when she lived here and now all he sees is dust and more dust.

It's a damn mess this house, but no one im this family will man up and start cleaning. His brothers miss there mother, but Taehyung doesn't.

He can't bring himself to as the mere memory of her fills him with rage, he remembers begging amd begging. Even going as far as to fall down onto his knees, not even wincing as the dirt pavement cut his skin drawing blood.

He'd begged her to take him with her, but she refused and that was when it was almost like a splash of water had hit his face. He'd dissmed the woman he called mother, and turned back to his life.

That was the moment Taehyung had realized, love does not conquer all. His father had taught him after that, handing him a pack of cigarettes and breathing the deadly smoke out of his mouth as he smirked at Taehyung.

"Son, never let someone get close to you're heart" his father had said, and maybe Taehyung was navie and he wished to belive that his father told him this for he'd just lost they're mother.

But Taehyung was far from naive. That was a word that had long long left him, and so he listened.

"One can only drive others away with the brutality of they're words, and the coldness of they're eyes. evil is the way to go, love will never sail." His father had said a lazy smile on his face, as the drugs consumed his soul and left a numbness and emptiness behind.

And with that Taehyung etched those words into his little heart, and looking at the blue sky. And vowed to never love anyone.

He knew he would though, he never had that ice cold heart his father owned. None of them did.

But currently Taehyung did have a stomach full of alcohol, and that didn't last well as he puked into the toilet bowl.

Gasping for breath he let the contents of his stomach fall out. He stared at the dark ceiling, puked some more.

And resting his head against the dirty toliet seat, he cried. It'd been a while, since he'd last cried.

Maybe it was the alcohol running through his system, making his mind hazy.

But he sobbed, the bathroom filling with the crystal like tears that would oh so easily get curshed with the palm of his hand. Tears of broken dreams, soft promises, and sweet whispers of love forever.

Crushed like his tears.

★·.·'¯'·.·★ ★·.·'¯'·.·★

Jungkook sighs, his head hitting the table, he's back from one of his photoshoots and its fucking unbearable. He has to wait a few minute for his photographer to return, and the sad thing is Jungkook has absolutely no friends whatsoever. He can't bring himself to, the models are all terrible.

Always gossiping, spreading rumors, smiling in they're friends face and laughing behind they're back. They're all fake, and Jungkook's doesn't need those types of friends, but sometimes it gets unbearable as he sits on the lunch table by himself. He gulps down some yogurt and tries to ignore the voices around him.

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