chapter 21

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Jungkook's eyes roamed around the city, drinking in every grime detail. From the bugs littering the ground, to those couples hanging off each other's arm, it was nothing like his hometown.

Where the hell had he gotten himself into? Where Seokjin lived if one was to look around they'd see mansion after mansion, big fancy malls with food, movies, and of course clothes.

Water parks and theme parks for little kids, nothing like this. Here it was dirty, dark, the streetlamps barely shining very very dim and dull.

Jungkook shivered, bunching himself into the material of his jacket. It was cold too, he hoped Taehyhng would hurry and get here already.

He was in a alley, yes most people said alleys were dangerous. Dangerous? No one really saw him, he blended right into the shadows. Dirty? Disgusting? Filled with little bugs? Yes, all of the above.

Jungkook sighed, his mind flicking from topic to topic but refusing to go to what Jin had said about him. Was he really that unwanted?

His soulamte never wanted him, his parents never did, and of course Seokjin didn't either. His mind flicking to Taehyung he shivered as chills overtook his body.

He regretted calling him, that man probably hated him. Like the rest of them. When he felt his eyes water, Jungkook looked to the moon.

Which never helped, it just reminded him of Namjoon. Seokjin's husband, was the sweetest man. Namjoon had been the kind hearted part of Jin, that barely came out. He was another brother to Jungkook, he loved Namjoon as much as he did Jin.

"If you feel sad koo, look to the moon. My mother always told me, the moon will always protect you. She told me she was my moon, she'd always watch over and protect me. I'll do the same for you."

Ah, there they were. The fucking tears, streaming down his cheeks and racking his body in uncomfortable sobs. He tried to curl into himself, and hold them in but of course his body wouldn't react.

He just sobbed harder, even huddled into a alleyway attracting stares from strangers. The tears slid down his cheeks oh so slowly, glistening like crystals.

He just wished there was something he could do, he wish he could find someone that would love him infinitly. Always smile at him sweetly, talk to others with that fond note in they're voice Jungkook had yet to hear.

He doubted he'd ever get that, life was difficult. But he'll get over it, he always did. Curling his body inwards more, he waited for his soulmate to come.

★·.·'¯'·.·★ ★·.·'¯'·.·★

It wasn't long before a shiny long black, limo? Of course Taehyung would drive damn limo. Staggering a bit, he rose off the floor and made his way to the car.

He could feel his whole body shaking, it was freezing here. And he didn't quite have the best protection against the cold. He just wanted to curl up on the floor and go to sleep.

But he couldn't, gluping in a breath of fresh air. He opened thd door of the limo, and particularly fell inside.

"Jungkook" Taehyung mummered, surprisingly in the back seat. Seems he has a driver. "H-hi" Jungkook croaked out and the man's face fell.

His soulmate didn't say anything just analyzed his features, his eyes romaning up and down the boys face. For a long time there was a silence, filled with nothing but Jungkook's labored breath.

"D-do you want some water?" Taehyung finally asked the poor boy, and Jungkook hastily nodded, grabbing the bottle of water from the boy's hands.

Taehyung curiously watched him, eyes wary, heart glinting, and maybe it was because on the way here. He'd tried to reach the soul bound, to make sure Jungkook was okay.

His eyes were sharp and clear again, and Taehyung knew in his heart it wasn't from the medicine. Not blurry Jungkook was even more beautiful than blurry Jungkook.

Taehyung despised it. Jungkook looked like a fallen angel, cheeks stained a pretty red. Soft lips wrapped around the water bottle, small hands fiddling mindlessly. Hair frayed, and messy. Brown eyes shiny with could only be tears.

He could feel the man's pain through the soul bound, and Taehyung had no idea how to comfort him. Noting his attire he wanted to cry, he must frozen out there. It was so damn freezing.

Not even thinking twice before he did it, he took off his long balck puffy jacket and insetad adorned it onto his soulmate. Jungkook froze, a little drop of water falling from his lips and dribbling down his chin as he stared at Taehyung.

Maybe I did something wrong, Taehyung thought his face heating up and flushing a cherry red.

"Thank you, Tae" Jungkook mummered softly, letting the water bottle rest next to him as he laid back into the jacket. Letting the sweet sweet smell of vanilla, that could only be his soulmate. Surrond and relax him.

"Mhm" his soulmate only mumbled and Jungkook snuck a peak at him. His cheeks were a dusty red, he was blushing furiously.

So cute.

"Aww, you're adorable" Jungkook giggled out and Taehyung's head snapped up eyes widening.

"I'm not" Taehyung whispered but the cute little blush never left his cheeks, Jungkook sweetly giggled again and pulled himself up a bit and before Taehyung could do a thing but gape.

Jungkook reached over and pinched his cheeks. The soft skin between his hands making him flush a bit, but he sweetly giggled once again and squeezed the man's cheeks.

"See you're adorable" he cooed and Taehyung stared at him in shock. That was a first.

Adorable? He'd never been called that, cold, handsome, mean, rude? Mhm, always. Adorable was a first.

"I-uh thank you" he croaked out and Jungkook smiled sweetly at him, his bunny teeth poking out and Taehyung sighed inwardly.

Jungkook sure was adorable.

"Aren't you cold" Jungkook mumbled all wrapped in Taehyung's jacket. Warm and comfy, yet mind worrying about the man in front of him.

"I-I'm fine" Taehyung mumbled, he didn't get cold easily. His mother used to tell him, his body was like a furnace.

Jungkook smiled again that sweet little smile, and Taehyung hated that blush that spread across his cheeks at that.

"I'm going to sleep, Tae Tae. Wake me up when we're there" Jungkook mumbled after a while, almost dozing off. Eyes barely open.

Taehyung looked at the little smile on his soulmates face, as he dozed off. And knew.

Oh he knew.

He was so fucking screwed.

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