chapter 20

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Jungkook whined as Jin scowled at him for the hundredth time today.

"Can you stop" he mumbled annoyed, and Jin just rolled his eyes.

"I'm mad at you" Jin stated and this time Jungkook was the one to roll his eyes.

"Are you?" Jungkook cockily said his eyebrow quirking up, and not bothering to spare Jin's face a second look.

He went back to his game, only to get yelled by his brother in law of course. "C'mon koo, you know you could've trusted us with anything" Namjoon soflty mumbles, but the way his eyes glint is worse that when Jin yells at him.

Maybe if it was real, he would've trusted them. He didn't wish to be so unwanted that the one person who's supposed to love him doesn't want him.

He doesn't want his brother's pity nor Namjoon's so like the brat they must think he is. He ingores them.

"Jungkook listen to Joon when he talks to you" Jin snaps out and Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"What are you? My mother?" He swiftly replies back and almost wished to take back his words when he sees a flash of hurt pass through Jin's face.

But it quickly disappears along with the man's temper. "Well tell me where the fuck our mother is? Not here, obviously you're thd dumbass who can't take care of yourself, and I have to take care of you."

Jungkook's eyes flash, and he drops the remote control, and turns to look at Jin. Jin was know for having a short temper, at times he'd even snap at his soulmate but Jungkook tended to stay out of his brother's way.

The thing was Jeon Jungkook, had a much shorter temper than Jin could ever get to. "Fuck you. I'm leaving, maybe that'll show you're ass I'm not a little child."

Namjoon's eyes widened but he stayed quite. This was interesting to watch.

Jin snickered "What are you going to do? Run to you're mother? Well face it, Jungkook father only ever loved me. Mother won't let you stay."

Namjoon's eyes widened even more, what the fuck. That was crossing the damn line, looking up tears were glinting in Jungkook's eyes.

Jabbing his soulmate with his elbow he frowned, Jin just a glared for a few seconds and then seemed to have realized what he'd said.

"I- Jungkook" Jin started and Jungkook just shook his head. "I-I'm going to go, um I- uh bye." Jungkook hastily stuttered out, his eyes squeezed together as he tried to hold his tears in.

"I-" Jin started again, but Jungkook just gave him a sad smile grabbed his phone and before Namjoon or Jin could do a thing he was gone.

Out the door.

★·.·'¯'·.·★ ★·.·'¯'·.·★

Looking back at the tall tall house his brother owned, the house that had been his home when his parents had decided he wasn't worth his time.

Jungkook decided it was time for a change.

Gluping in the cold air of the dark night, he called the only person he could bring himself to at this time.

Sad thing was Jungkook didn't have a lot of friends, Jin had told him it was all 'cuz they were jealous of him with a cheeky smile on his face.

Jungkook had laughed along and nodded.

But he knew better, people found him absurd? Was that the word to use, he didn't quite know. It was in the sense people thought of him as someone who was too much for him.

He did have a short temper and he'd heard that one man talk about him, his words filthy and mind rotten. Jungkook hadn't even heastied on punching him, starting a full on out fight.

Sad thing was that man with the bulky muscles lost to the skinny kid with thin arms.

Sighing, Jungkooks fingernails digged into his phone. "H-hello Taehyung?" He stuttered out and heard a sigh from the other line.

"What is it Jungkook? I'm real busy." Jungkook heastied he didn't want to disturb his soulmate.

They may not have the realtionship that every other soulmate has, but since a while they were getting along. And Jungkook treasured that.

He loved that.

It arose something in his chest, better known as the word hope. Hope that maybe one day his soulmate would truly love him.

He didn't need to ruin that by his patheticness, shaking his head he instead said. "Never mind."

Maybe it was the fact that he could hear the distress in his soulmate or the fact that he could feel it through the soul bound he was trying so desperately to block.

But he couldn't help it. "What happened?" He asked soflty and Jungkook gluped.

Now or never.

"I-I uh don't have a place to s-stay" Jungkook squeaked out, and could practically feel the scowl on Taehyung's face.

"Weren't you with you're brother?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook groaned internally. This was going to be harder than he'd expected.

"I uh left, we got in a fight" Jungkook said before Taehyung could even ask him why.

"And where are you now?" Taehyung mumbled.

Jungkook looked around, he'd pretty much ran out instead of staying in front of the house. He didn't want them to find him.

He'd ran for a bit in the darkness and was in some type of strange neighborhood.

"Um, Placens Creek" he mumbled finally seeing a sign that had words on it.

He heard a sharp intake of breath from the other side and then "Jungkook you dumbass, do you know how dangerous that fucking place is?" Taehyung angrily yelled.

"I'm coming to get you" he mumbled wearily and before Jungkook could reply he hung up.

Well okay then.

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