chapter 19

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The doctors face turns at those words and he looked baffled.

"W-Why would you do that s-sir?" He asks in disbelief and Taehyung stares at him coldly.

"That's none of you're business, tell me what will happen if I keep rejecting the soul bound."

The doctor pauses at those words and finally sighs in resolve. "You will keep getting blinder and blinder until one day, you shall be totally unable to see."

Taehyung's eyes widen at this and he freezes, how is he supposed to paint if he can't see? And if he can't paint, how is he supposed to earn money?

He glups and slowly asks "Isn't there another way?"

The doctor shakes his head "I can give you a few medications so you can see at this moment, but it'll keep getting worse and worse. I-I can not stop the fact if you keep rejecting you're soulmate that you will become totally blind."

Taehyung's face falls, a series of conflict filling him. Should he just accept the damn soulbound? But he can't.

He refuses to fall in love, but he doesn't wish to go blind. He frowns his eyebrows scrunching together as he thinks.

What to do? Finally he says "Give me the medications for now." The doctors eyebrows quirk up in surprise.

And he sighs "I would just reccomend accepting the soulbound s-sir" he stutters out.

Taehyung rises up to his full size standing straight and glares at the man. "I don't really care what you recommend."

The doctor almost chokes at this, how very rude he thinks. Maybe the man's soulmate is a serial killer he wonders. That makes somewhat of a sense. How dreadful.

Nodding he hurries out of the room leaving Taehyung along with his thoughts.

Wishing but not doing, Taehyung wants to cry. Why does life have to be so difficult? He can't can't be with Jungkook, he can already see how easy it would be to fall for that boy.

To laugh with him, to wake up next to him in the morning, to be his. But Taehyung can't, he refuses to let himself love again.

When he loves, he loves painfully, passionately with all of his being. And that type of love almost killed him last time.

Maybe Jungkook wouldn't do the same? Taehyung has yet to know him well, he can see the stubbornness within that boy.

But he can also see the way he refuses to let Taehyung degrade him, fighting back and yelling as well. But yet on the car, he was almost adorable.

Holding his pinky out and looking at Taehyung with those shiny eyes. He's perfect for Taehyung exactly like someone he would love.

But he can't, shaking the thoughts out of his head. He grabs his phone, he needs to see his father.

Quickly typing in the number that he's oh so familiar with he hears the mechanical voice of the computer.

"Hello and welcome, to Arthur 1999 Prison. How may I help you? For appointments press 1, for-."

Pressing one he cuts her off.

"You will be lead to one of our staff members right away, please wait while we put you on hold."

Sighing Taehyung tries not to fiddle around, he hates talking to his father. But sometimes a son needs his fathers advice as twisted and messed up it may be.

"Hello sir who would you like to set up appointment with?"

Taehyung sighs again, "U-Um this is Kim Taehyung, I would l-like a appointment with my father."

"Sir? You're father was released three weeks ago." The lady says.

Taehyung freezes. What? "W-Where is he n-now?" He questions quickly.

"He went to see his other son, Min Yoongi and stated that with the money his son gave him he is living in a apartment on the east side of town."

Taehyung can feel all the air leave him. As he struggles to breathe. His father can't be back, he can't.

With those simple words he can feel the whole world crashing down on to him.

"C-can y-you give me h-his address?" He asks and the lady pauses.

"Do you have proof that you are his son, s-sir? She asks and Taehyung pauses.

"I-I uh no ma'am" Taehyung sttures out. The lady sighs on the other side.

"If you have you're birth certificate, send me a picture to this number and I will tell you the address."

"Y-yes of course" Taehyung hastily mumbles.

On the other side the lady nods realizing he can't see her she says "Very well sir, send me a picture and I will send you the address? Okay sir, I'm going to hang up now." She mumbles.

And Taehyung stutters out a okay. And with that the call is over.

His head dropping down onto his hands he wants to cry, and this time he can feel the tears dripping down his face. Sobbing now, he grabs the sides of the chair, almost as if he's holding him to the ground.

But before he can even wish to stop crying the doctor is back in. Eyes widening at Taehyung's state.

"I-I uh have the medications s-sir" he mumbles out and Taehyung nods hastily grabbing it from his hands.

Mumbling a 'thank you' one the doubts the doctor even heard walks out the room.

"W-Wait sir" the doctor says, and Taehyung turns around and is handed a tissue.

"Uh the instructions are on the box, just drop two drops into our eye daily and you should be fine for the moment."

Taehyung nods his vision much blurrier that before through the result of the tears staining his cheek. He wishes to be gone, and just fall and disapper like his tears that hit the ground.

But he can't.

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