Fifteen_ Never too late

148 28 9

Dedicated to badmuswaliyyat

At the ER waiting room, Maxwell found Tania's friends waiting for word on Tania's condition. Cassy's arms were rested on her protruding tummy, Sophia was sniffing into an handkerchief while Debby paced back and forth the room.

"You." She pointed at him as he set foot. "You bastard. You see what you've caused my friend. I'm sure you're here because of your baby and not for her." She pounced on him.

"Hey stop it." Obiora tried seperating the duo while Kunle went over to put a reassuring arm on Sophia.

Maxwell looked stunned. He never imagined Debby to really go all Cats and bite on him even though Tania had briefed him on her friends.

"I'm sorry for being a dumb ass," he apologized.

"And a scumbag," Sophia added between sobs.

"Yea and that too." He went on one kneel before them. "I agree to anything and everything you girls think of me. I messed up badly and..." He sniffed. "I got so caught up in my little world of hatred that I was oblivious to the attitude emanating off me. Yes I'm selfish and vile and -"

"Guy, no be them you go tell that one na." Obiora hissed and found himself a space on the bench.

"Yes Maxwell, your woman is in there fighting for her life and I think she'll appreciate all these better." Cassy smiled down at him.

"Oh!" Maxwell exclaimed. "Does that mean you've all forgiven me?"

"No," everyone replied and went up in laughter.

"You seriously doing this to me?" he asked his friends.

"Over and over guy, till you tell that chick how much you love her," Obiora looked at him straight up.




Everyone glared at Debby.

"What?" she asked. "I'd have killed him if the cute guy hadn't stopped me." She winked at Obiora. "And then Tania would murder me for killing her baby's daddy," she sighed.

"I think you're cute too." Obiora winked back at her.

"Don't just think. Your phone." She punched her number into his cell, "that's my digit, feel free to use it whenever."

"Deborah," Cassy rolled her eyes.

"Thank you." Obiora beamed as he retrieved his phone from her.

"So. Have you heard anything about Tania yet," Maxwell asked.

"No." Sophia shook her head. "We've been here since a good Samaritan called us. Good thing her phone wasn't passworded, we would have been in the dark." Her head nestled against Kunle's shoulder as he stroked her gently.

A nurse appeared from the passage way, "Sophia?"

"I'm here." She sat upright. "How's my friend?"

"You can see her now," the nurse turned back to where she came from. "Follow me."

Maxwell ran to her. "Please wait. Tania, is she okay, my baby? Are they..."

"Who's this?" the nurse raised her brow.

"Uhm!" Maxwell looked at Sophia for support.

"Her boyfriend. And baby daddy." Cassy offered.

"Okay. You may come instead." The nurse led the way. "Mother and child are fine so no need to sweat it."

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