Six_ mainly for

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Jubril introduced her to the crew members before shoving her into the booth after Max.

"Come on kids, give me a great show," he urged them.

Tania rolled her eyes but smiled for the benefit of her co-anchor.

Max kicked off the show with his signatory introduction before announcing the topic. Five minutes into the discussion and they already had their first caller.

"Hello, welcome to Flaming Flames Special. Can we know you?" Max answered the caller.

"Hi I'm Theresa."

His pupils dilated, it was his first female caller in the past six months. "Hi Theresa."

"Hi Max. Actually this is for Tania. Tan.."

"At your service love," her smile threatened to break her face.

"So Tan I was wondering. You said to give the red card if he can't stick around. But Max here said for guys not to stress over accommodating us. What's your say on that?"

"Thank you Theresa." She gave him the eye. "Now to you and every other Theresa out there what the stick with my flaws actually means is for you lovebirds to work together. No relationship ever works without communication likewise romance. The first key to having a lasting and worthwhile relationship is to have good communication skills. Do not just present your good side but lay all rotten eggs on the table too.

You must make sure you agree on all. What you can cope with, what needs special attention or what you just can't tolerate. Lay it down babe. This is a game of cards with a different rule; this game requires you to lay all cards, select the good ones, work together to thrash the bad ones or choose another game if its not just for you. In this game the only rule is to make your own rules. Thank you." She drowned her cup of tea, wishing her tablet was with her.

Max swallowed before fixing his microphone. She had wowed him with her intellect. Under the wrapping was a different package all together. Now he knew why she commanded the respect of millions of people.

"So listeners you've heard it from our very own Miss Tania Olubankole," he saw her snort at the title he had used. That got him thinking; a beautiful and well to do Miss perfect had had no man. No report of a fiance or boyfriend or even a casual fling. He definitely wanted to know more about the top and high classed lady.

"We'll take another call now. If you're trying to reach us and you can't, probably the lines are jammed. Do give us a beep on our twitter account or send your message or questions to our whatsapp line on 08056684667. Next caller." He motioned to Tania to pick the next call.

"Hello and welcome, I'm Tania."

"Hi Tania I'm Victor. My girl and I are so happy you got on this show. It's really being enlightening with you on the show. So we were wondering, with you as the listening ear to the ladies and Max as the guys number one. We..."

Tania imagined giving this Victor a knock on the head for what he was aiming at.

"...We were thinking you guys should give it a thought. I mean you'll look great together. That's my contribution. Bye and thanks once again." They heard a giggle as he hung up.

Max looked at her wondering if to reply. Thankfully, she did.

"Okay Victor, thanks for your observation but we are perfectly occupied right now. Like seriously, Barrister Oguike has to have someone in his life, he's an attorney for Christ sake. He..."

"I think what Miss Olubankole is trying to say is that, we are not..."

"Never." she interjected.

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