Two _ Lawless Lawyer and

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The lovely black hostess gave a curtsey nod as Max and his partner stepped out of the plane. The continental dishes and wonderful hospitality of the hostesses made Virgin Airways his number one flying company although Barrister Obiora, his partner thought otherwise.

"You just like the sound of the V-word." he'd constantly tease him.

"Nah. I don't do kids." He'd reply.

He buttoned his blazer looking all professional again. His gold cuff links were the distinctive item on his black dressing.

Smart look.

The scorching Abuja sun was enough to make one wish ceilings were installed in the sky. Worse was when his partner had an extra luggage or two for delivery. Luckily their chauffeur was already in the parking lot.


Maxwell went over his briefing again pausing to give his partner a "yeah" or "okay" now and then.

The flight to Abuja had been so relaxing that he had forgotten how much this particular case needed utmost attention. He had done some underground research to strengthen his claim. His client was next and though he had faith in himself he couldn't say so for the witness he had provided.

"It's time." Obiora stood up with the swiftness of a horse.

They walked to the courtroom acknowledging the other lawyers with a nod. Sitting on their allocated seats he whispered to his client, "You will not mess this up again. My cases never gets adjourned twice. Understood?"

Mrs Nnamdi nodded in understanding. If all woman were like her he'd raise two companies in three months but money wasn't the only thing in the game. He had a reputation to uphold or so it would seem.

"All rise." The Bailiff voice jolted him out of his reviere as feet shuffled against the floor.

"Case one. Mr Usman Abdullahi Vs Mrs Sharon Nnamdi.

He walked up to the judge giving his signature smile, it always worked when most of the jury were women. After the oath was taken he went straight to his questions.

"Mr Usman Abdullahi, you were at G&G logistics on the 5th of April when Chief Nnamdi your boss was assassinated correct?" Mr Usman fidgeted excessively under his compelling gaze.

"Yes...yes sir. But I was in the electronics room sir." He looked anywhere but the figure in front of him.

"But you were not at the crime scene?"

"No sir. Though I noticed all the connections went dead." He tried keeping a straight face to no avail.

Max swallowed a grunt, he wanted him to speak up and get done with it. The faster he opened up the faster the trial and the sooner he'll get home to his library. John Grisham's The Brethren was his current read and he couldn't wait to see more of the happenings in trumble.

"So what happened next?" he resisted the urge to look bored.

"I ran out of the office. I wanted to take the elevator to the fourth floor but like I said all connections went dead," he was cooperating now and Max counted the hours it would take for him to get home. "so I took the stairs, two steps at a time to the fourth floor. But on getting to the office..." his voice quaked a little, barely anyone could here him as the crowd scooted to the edge of their seats.

Damn suspense.

"...he was gone." he whispered with a low gaze.

"I didn't catch that."

"He was gone." He shouted. The crowd burst into an outrage.

"Order in my court," The judge's voice drowned theirs ensuring immediate response.

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