Eight_ The contract,

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She straightened her skirt as he went over the list again. She had made a list of rules for the challenge hoping he got bored and just followed the plan.

"Hmm! I think I can do with this." He sat cross-legged.

"Good. I'll be leaving now." She reached for her bag.

"Leave? We're yet to discuss my part." He adjusted in his chair.

"Oh!" was all she said and settled back down.

"I go with everything you want. Infact I promise to be the best boyfriend there is. But at a price though."

"What do want Maxwell? Name your price and I'll be out of your hair," she met his gaze.

"Not so fast." He refilled their wineglass. "You see. I'm actually curious about you. Like how did a young marriage counsellor never end up with a real man herself."

She scoffed gripping the wineglass with more force, "and how did a wise counsellor end up with two failed marriages? Barrister Maxwell or whatever, you have no right to interfere in my private life if you're not ready to wash your dirty linen in public.

"Hmm! Feisty, I like it." He straddled to the bar aware of her trailing eyes. "Actually miss, you would have it to notice that my mess never gets outside, cause I know how well to deal with it. Unlike you who dream of a non existent Prince Charming by posting slanderous remarks about us."

"I will not have you insult me Maxwell." She stood up. "Not for anything, not even for this stupid challenge to redeem myself. I'm not one to swallow spittle in the name of decorum. And neither do I need you nor anyone to tell me how and when to run my life. As far as I know, I'm very comfortable without a bickering male like you."

He laughed dryly, setting his glass down. "And that's because you certainly do not make a cut for a man's wife."

"Excuse me!"

He walked up to her, conscious of his towering height. "But you'll make a cut as my baby mama."

"What!!" Her hand came in contact with his face immediately. "That's outrageous." She moved back a step.

"No. You thinking of a ring is derilious," he stared down at her. "Hell with it miss. I know how badly you wish to make your mama proud, I know how much you wish you got your life all figured out. But take it from me, you're going to end up a old hag with nobody to run to if you're not careful enough."

"I will not have you talk to me that way." She retreated till her back met with a wall.

"You know what I'm saying is true. Or would you deny having sleepless nights craving for a man's touch, wishing you had someone in your life like the rest of your girls. Would you deny -"

"Enough okay." She cringed away from him, the closeness enough for her to smell his cologne even as she felt his breath barely inches away from her neck. One more move and she'd melt under his compelling gaze, her womanly senses alive with passion.

"Fine. I won't push you." He stepped away from her. "But think about it. My son, with no strings attached, well, except the fact you get to play mummy if you want to or your lonely counselling life with countless sleepless nights," he gave a haughty smile. "not to forget, a downline in your career." he mocked.

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