Twelve_ Past came

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Day twenty

Tania checked off her calendar, eleven more days to make him her's or she risk everything. A huge smile glued to her face as she washed her face. Morning sickness wasn't as fun as the social club painted it- it was a huge battle of the eyes including bading her omelettes goodbye.

True motherhood can only be experienced in complete happiness. Never sell your smile for a second of worth.
#Talktotania #joyfulcycle

She stifled a yawn as a notification came on. Someone had tagged her on a post with the caption: Tania Olubankole in Chicago scandal. Attached was a link. The link redirected her to a site with the full news and a video clip of her entering a suite with a dark haired male.

The Caucasian.

Her hands trembled as she scanned through the news, "Oh my God! No this can't be it, no, no, no." she dropped to the floor in tears. Her phone went on a constant ring as messages and tweets kept pouring in.

"Tania," Sophia's voice came from the stairway. In minutes the girls had gathered round her, their faces a mixture of questions and consolation.

"How did it happen?" Debby passed her another tissue.

"It was a dare," she huffed and went on narrating the details of that night.

"But Tania, how could you accept such a dare from a total stranger?" Sophia lowered at her.

"You didn't even tell us."

"I'm sorry for saying nothing about it. I didn't just want to be seen as a failure." She bit her nails. "Shedrach's betrayal was too much for me to handle."

"Oh please," Debby rolled her eyes. "you're prevaricating again. The best truth is the only truth and beating around the bush doesn't help."

She sighed as the remaining event of the day came to light as a screen play.


"Its obvious you're playing a lost game."

She gave a tight-lipped smile maintaining her reserve completely.

"And, checkmate." he snapped his fingers as he won the second round.

"Good play." She brushed her hair behind her ears.

"How about my kiss? I only but wonder if those berries got every part of your tongue," his voice dropped in a whisper as he trailed her feet under the table.

She relaxed a bit knowing it was just his leg. The drive for her first one night stand as strong as the bourbon she had ordered. She refilled their glasses, handing his over as she took a long sip off hers. Her partner's eyes glistened with joy as the night held a positive reward.

They downed their drinks. Tania a blabber mouth after the third glass, spilling all about her breakup and the amazing terrible life she lived while the Caucasian remained sober.

"My suite." He extended a hand to her, settling her on her feet.

"After you," she laughed.

The suite was painted cream with touches of black. It windows were lined with golden tapestry. The four seater sofa a mixture of black and dark shade of red. There was a mini bar at one corner of the sitting room with doubled doors leading to the adjoining room. The big oak bed at the centre of the room had six pillows covered in red embroidered cases.

"Inviting." Her shoes came off her feet, followed by her bag. "Where were we?" she sniffed his cologne, her hand almost at his breeches when a call startled them both.

"Excuse me." He pecked her, stroding into the living room to pick his call.

She ignored his growls as she undid the zipper of her gown, her Brazilian hair in all its glory cascaded over her shoulders. The bourbon had spread enough warmth through her and she needed nothing more than the climax. "I'm waiting," she called sensually.

"Gosh! I'm so sorry baby." His shoe came off as he returned. His hand on his shirt fourth button when another call came in. "A minute babe." He scrambled off the bed.

Few minutes later and she was gradually losing her will to nature when he returned with a fully buttoned shirt. "Whatever luck you have tonight." He sought for his shoes. "Got to go, big deal tonight. Don't worry, I'll send the Chambermaid up with some Advil for you. Till our parts cross again." He pressed a kiss to her forehead, walking out without a second glance.


"Uhm!" Sophia's speech was interrupted by a snotty Debby.

"Deb? Like seriously?"

"Sophy please let me laugh o. Don't you get?" She snorted.

Ugh!, Tania looked away.

"Okay guys I'm sorry for laughing. I was actually laughing at Tan's unsuccessful attempt to get laid. Like babe, na so conji hold you? Were you that hungry for some yoghurt?" She winked.

"Deborah!" Sophia swatted her arms.

"Sorry o." She managed to pull a straight face for four seconds before reeling in laughter again, this time with the girls.

"I swear, you two are terrible." Tania smiled at Debby's attempt at reducing the tension.

"That's why you love us." Sophia pecked her cheek.

"Have you told your man?" Debby twirled her stray lock sharing a quick look with Sophia.

"No. You girls came in immediately. What do I tell him? How do I make him believe I'm not some hooker who'll try blackmailing before handing over his child." She ran her hands through her hair.

No one spoke for a second. Sophia and Debby locking eyes as they finally decoded her message.

"What!!" they both screamed, fixing her with their eyes.

"Does the interpretation of that statement mean you're..." Debby trailed off.

"Pregnant?" Sophia completed for her, her eyes trained on her stomach.

"Yes." she fixated her eyes on the tissue in her hands.

"Ewoo! Wonders shall never end." Debby clapped her hands mockingly. "So after everything?" She rested on the vanity table.

"Will you shut up Deb." Sophia chided. "Tania is a grown woman for heaven's sake. And she should be made to follow her decision, hers." She hissed at her facing Tania squarely. "Hey you,"

Tania looked up immediately, she recognized that tone of hers.

"You're going to tell me how this happened and then we'll put to plan how you'll get that beast lord to love you and this child you carry. None of my friends, I repeat none will lose a rare gem because of their stupidity. So now, you're going to tell me all you know about this guy." She snapped and Debby was at her side in minutes with a pen and jotter. "His friends and every important person in his life. I don't care about his ballistic nature and all that but you my friend, are going to be the number one most important on his list.

If you've got crazy friends who'll go to any length for you tag them.

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