Eleven_ apart.

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"So you're saying that someone was watching you all the time you were out?"

"Yes, yes and yes Obi. What's so hard about that." He paced about the room.

"What's so hard is that I'm a lawyer, and what you need right now is a law enforcement officer and that is Kunle not me." Obiora slammed his wineglass on the table.

"Thank you." He punched his keypad, mumbled something and walked to the living room. "Please pick up," he yelled at the phone.

No amount of persuasion could make him sit. He ran his hands over his head as his feet took to a non rhythmic tap.

"I came as soon as I could." Kunle barged through the door without knocking.

"What? I never..."

"I did." Obiora appeared from behind him. "You were so skittish man."

"I need full details. Are they the same one or another?"

"I don't know. Everything is just fuddled up and I don't what the hell is happening." He smashed a wine bottle, a scowl evident on his face.

"Guy calm down." They held him in place, pained by the sight of their broken friend.

"What did I do to deserve this. Every damn woman in my life gets cut off at one point and it's really sickening. I got to be a damn barrister and they're not still satisfied. Who the hell is after me, who?" he screamed into the air, his friends retreating knowing when he wanted solitude.


Tania tossed and turned on the bed, her eyes glassy with tears threatening to spill out. She bit her quivering lips till she tasted the blood on them. It'd been four days since Max contacted her and as much as she wanted to ignore it she couldn't forget the fairytale kiss he had given her. The kiss which had revived all her dead hormones and reminded her of the Bible passage 'be fruitful and multiply'.

"I hate you." She pulled the blanket over her head bewailing her predicament.

Her resolve to not calling him failing by the minute. She winced as a pain shot through her head, a result of her self-imposed starvation. Yanking the covers off she flung her hand, grabbing her phone from the bedside table.

"Here goes nothing." She pressed the call button. "I'm game, let's do this." She hung up before he acknowledged her call.

Exhaling deeply she looked around her room, picturing the change to take place if and when she became a mother. The thought of having a child grow in her and finally feeling the mother-child bond made her scream in delight. To hell with being miss perfect, she'd call her mother to schedule a visit. If she'd carry his child, she might as well win him over.


She checked herself from different angles. Satisfied with her appearance, she pocketed her phone, atm card and little cash ditching her purse. She took the stairs with careful steps for fear of alerting Debby. Choosing against driving and requested an uber instead. Scratching her twitching palms, she counted the seconds till she got there. This was it, she was soon going to be a mother, she was finally going to get laid. She gasped as the thought finally dawned on her; how did one go about it?

She felt like a high school teen all over, but, asking Debby or Sophia for help will be outright blackmail. She sent a whatsapp message to Cassy instead.

You: Bae, how does one get... You know.

Cassy: Get what? It's not what I'm thinking right 😀😀

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