Ten_ ripping all

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"No no no no, Tania." He shook her violently. "Tania."

"Hold on sir," a pharmacist puffed an inhaler through her mouth while he kept calling her softly.

"Tania look at me, open your eyes and look at me...Please look at me," he broke down between chokes.

The pharmacist had already signalled his assistant to call the mobile doctor before Max pushed him away from her.

"Tan, please open your eyes," her once inviting lips took a pale form as they pressed together. It was a replay of Lisa's incident again. No way could he watch another woman slip out of his arms. Seeing no other option he did what he'd always wanted to do since she walked into his life. "Please don't leave me." He claimed her mouth with his.


His nose twitched as the smell of antiseptics had never been appealing to him. It was like a life sentence awaiting the doctor's report.

"When were you going to tell me?" he observed two birds from a distance.

"Never," she said weakly.

In two strides he was beside her, his eyes quickly masking his emotions as his voice took a thick turn once more, "why?"

"Because it never mattered and neither does it now," she looked away from him.

"So you were just going to harm my son right? Play a smart one on me to avoid everything."


The brief exchange was halted by the doctor's entrance. Dr. Abbey, one of the youngest versatile doctors present in Lagos. Many said he had been forced to the field but in all, he'd turned out a good product with just one flaw; women.

He broke into a smile beforw focusing on Max, "Barr. Maxwell, after a series of tests. We've been able to confirm that Tan..."

"Miss Bankole," Maxwell corrected.

"Oh! Sorry. We've been able to confirm that Miss Bankole actually has allergic asthma. No need to fret Barrister, it's a common type of asthma, nothing serious."

"Ya! That explains why she passed out earlier," he met the doctor's eyes.

"Hers is air pollution. And engaging in a strenuous activity was more than enough trigger. But no need to worry, its just mild intermittent."

"Any medications?"

"Hello." She sat up, "stop talking about me like I'm invisible okay. I'm not a child and I know about my condition and how best to manage it. If we're done here." She rummaged for her footwear, finding it under the bed.

"I guess we are." Max tailed her sending a deadly glare at the doctor on his way out.

"Don't worry I hate him too." He started the car as she hissed.

His stomach clenched at the long stretch of silence, with not even the radio to break the jinx. He suddenly wished she could speak up. He knew her silence was not from the doctor but from the kiss. The kiss which had snapped something in him.

The moment replayed all over in his head, the best part being wjen she opened her eyes to it; the coolness and confidence he always saw where displaced by the look of terror and later by a glint which she quickly masked. His heart constricted as he thought about the moment. He couldn't afford to lose focus- for it never bore well, especially with his unfinished business

"Tania," he swallowed. The silence overwhelming till he looked beside him and saw her cuddled up in the chair. He watched as her body shook with the little breath it sucked in; allergic asthma, whatever that was not fun to be reckoned with.

She stirred in her sleep as he lowered the car seat, her relaxation a positive start in their relationship. She would surely give him a son with beautiful eyes like hers, that he was sure of. He didn't wake her when they arrived his place, instead he lowered his seat too spending the time watching her.


An hour later, Maxwell woke up to an empty passenger seat.

Darn it.

He hadn't thought she'd leave without notifying him especially when his gateman wasn't around to stop her. With brisk steps he announced his arrival but was met with silence.

Damn the silence.

Without calling for his cook he made his way upstairs, in need for a cool bath. Out of his clothing in minutes he made for the bathroom, halting at the doorway.

In his tub was an unspeakable sight and the only thing he could mutter was, "Jesus!" In his tub was his latest cook, stark naked, tied and wounded all over. A blood smear on the wall said; Law & Order....

"Damn it." He cursed as he untied her. He checked for her pulse before carrying her to the bedroom. Under his pillow was a note saying; ...my foot.

Who the hell sends a message that way. He cleaned her up, taking good care to avoid the deep cuts. Her body had never been appealing to him and right now he wanted nothing more then to do away with her.

He finished her dressing, cradling her carefully as he laid her in the next room. Taking no chances he locked the door, making a mental note to fire Salauu when he resumed the next day. His excuse of a gateman was fond of extending his day off without prior announcement.

Thirty minutes later he was in his garage, opting for a quicker ride he unlocked his bike. That could get him faster to Obiora's house.

The ride was hitch free unlike the one home. He arrived his gate in minutes but his friend ever present guard was as strict as hell.

"Damn it Mister. Open this gate for me or I call my friend to throw you out this instant."

He paced around waiting for the gates to open when a notification came on his phone.

Your plaything seems nicer than the last.

Accompanied by pictures of them in the drugstore and in the car.

"Darn it! Open the gate Pinhead." He honked loudly.

His knuckles whitened as the blood on his face drained. First was Belinda's betrayal followed by Lisa's death and now their attention was fixed on Tania. No way were they taking a third person from him. No way was he making the same mistake thrice, he was more than ready to see to the end of it.

She might not be his woman but he'd would give his life to save her.

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