Fourteen_ again.

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"Miss Olubankole, you're next," a police officer called out to her.

Silently she gathered herself as she approached the interrogation room.

Breath Tania. It's just a Q & A session, like an interview.

"Damn I've never attended one." She bit her lips, tapping intensely against her arm.

She gave a rapt knock before pushing the big door open, a cool gust of wind hitting her face.

"A.C or fan?" the detective asked.

"Any," she gave a tight smile.

"Okay. Please sit," he motioned to a chair.

Her tapping gave low sounds as the detective peered at her.

"Ready," her lawyer asked.

She nodded.

"For security purposes all conversations are recorded and can also be heard by the team over there," the detective pointed to a glass barricade, where Sophia and Kunle were seated. "Can we meet you?" he started a recorder.

"Okay," she swallowed. "I'm Tania Olubankole Adebimbe, resident of house 15, Shalom estate off Bode Thomas."

"Okay Miss Olubankole..."

"Call me Tania please. It's more relaxing," she explained.

"Oh!" He scratched his chin. "Okay. Miss Tania, can you vividly explain what happened yesterday at Barrister Oguike's apartment and why exactly you were there at such an hour."

She looked at Sophia through the glass telling her to be brave. She nodded at kunle who was now comforting a young girl. Her eyes squinted as she tried to recall her face.

The waiter.

She couldn't fathom the reason for her being there even after she waved.

"Miss Tania I asked_"

"I heard you clearly the first time. I wonder what this is all about, they already have my written statement. Why am I still held here." She looked quizzically at him.

"Because Miss Tania, there are rumors of you having a similar situation in Chicago. One which left the victim blinded." He pursed his lips.

"What!! Hello. Are...are you kidding me right now. You detain me here all because of a stupid Chicago crap accusing me of blinding a...God knows who."

"Miss Tania will you please sit down."

"No I won't, until you tell me what this nonsense is all about. Heaven knows the Caucasian left me that night without even knowing his name and then you relate it to last night. Gosh!" She rolled her eyes.

"Please do calm down ma," Her lawyer patted her. "This session is recorded remember."

"Oh please." She slumped into the chair.

"Uhm! So where were we?"

No reply.

"Okay." He rubbed his palm. "We've established the fact that you blinding Mr Lowry Daniels was a mistake even if a statement from him is pending_"

"Blah, blah, blah. Are we done here? I stink."

"We're still yet to match your statement with that of Barrister Oguike who insisted you came over for some professional reasons." He smiled sarcastically.

"Fine this is it. I was having dinner with my boyfriend last night when some hoodlums broke into the building. As a man he's first point of reasoning was safety for the mother of his child and I wonder how thick your skull is to get that in."

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