Wolf's Howl

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Wheein sat on her bed with her knees hugged up against her chest.

She knows that she needed a distraction from the nagging pain that is tugging in her heartstrings, but she couldn't find the motivation to do so. She wanted to talk to Hyejin about it, but she would have to spill a secret that wasn't hers to tell.

"Yong's already my girlfriend." Byul's words echoed in Wheein's head, as if her mind wants to spite her. Its been a week, and yet its all she could think about.

She finally knew why Byul wanted to have dinner with her alone. She feels ridiculous for even thinking for one second that they were on a date.

How Wheein wishes Byul is as easy to love as it was to fall for her.

She's mad. She's angry. She hates the situation she's in, because she's everything that shares the same meaning as resentful, and yet she couldn't blame Moonbyul. Because it wasn't her fault. It wasn't Byul's fault that she couldn't reciprocate Wheein's feelings. All Byul did was be her lovable self. It wasn't her fault.

And Wheein has never been frustrated as she is now, because she's okay when Byul is not around, but that's just the problem; Byul is always there, on her thoughts, on her heart, on her soul.

And how she hopes that she can hate Byul instead of hating herself.

Hyejin asks as she sits beside her best friend. Wheein has been distant since her date with Byul, and she could only think of one reason why. She hopes she's wrong, Wheein would always say that she's just tired, and that its nothing, but she knows Wheein too well to pretend that its nothing. "What's wrong?" Hyejin asks.

Wheein didn't want to talk about it, at least not yet.

But by the time Hyejin placed a hand on her arm, she knew it was too late; her emotions already got the best of her. Wheein was pulled into a warm hug as she let her tears fall free.

"I told Byul-unnie how I feel about her." Wheein tells Hyejin, she acknowledges that she never told Hyejin what she feels for Byul exactly, but she assumed that Hyejin already knows, anyway. Its Hyejin; nobody knows her like Hyejin does.

Wheein felt Hyejin's embrace tighten. She didn't need to tell her out loud. Hyejin didn't need words to know what happened. Hyejin just knows. And how Hyejin wishes she could squeeze away her best friend's pain out of her.

Hyejin's concerned at how Wheein's bottling it all up inside of her. She wonders how Wheein could look at Byul and manage to smile all those times, considering how painful it looks just looking at her best friend now; and she's not even the one actually feeling it. Although, technically speaking, Wheein's pain has always been hers too. "You don't have to act like everything's okay, Wheein-ah." Hyejin reminds her best friend.

But how was Wheein supposed to act then?

"Yong's already my girlfriend." Wheein remembers how Byul said it with sad eyes, but Wheein knows its only because she feels sorry for her. She knows that Byul is happy -very happy, in fact, because Byul has always been in love with Yongsun, and now they're finally together.

Byul is very happy, and isn't that what's supposed to matter? That the love her life is happy?...even if it wasn't with her.

She doesn't have the right to be mad at Byul. She doesn't have the right to be jealous. She doesn't have the right because they're just friends.

"It's fine, Hyejin. We're friends." Wheein states, letting her own words sink in before continuing. "We're just friends and I'd just have to accept that." Wheein states; that's all they ever could be and she just have to deal with it. Maybe someday she'd get used of the butterflies in her stomach or the ache in her heart.

"Unnie, loves you." Hyejin points out, desperate to offer her best friend comfort, but knowing that her words alone wouldn't help. Hyejin could see the way Byul looks at Wheein, and sure, it isn't as intense as the way she looks at their Yongsun-unnie, but its something.

As a friend. Wheein's mind automatically supplements; she's heard Byul say it to her a million times that her mind finds it a necessity to do so, just to protect her heart from hoping too much.

And rightfully so, because they were exactly that, just friends.

Byul loves Wheein, just...not in that way.

They were just friends.

Just friends.

Wheein never liked hearing that from her own thoughts. She believes that platonic relationships were just as valuable as romantic ones -her relationship with Hyejin is a testimony to that- but being on the receiving end of that phrase, Wheein couldn't even begin how to describe the ache in her heart. She didn't like to feel the pain that a single statement could cause her.

"Hyejin, you know what I meant..." Wheein trails off. She knows that Hyejin is just trying to make her feel better, but she knows the truth and denying it doesn't help ease the pain. "She loves me but only as a friend. We both know that."

Hyejin shakes her head. "I don't know that. But did she tell you that?" Hyejin asks, because the way Byul looks at Wheein couldn't be just friendship. She should know.

Wheein remebered how she asked the same thing to Byul when Byul told her that Yongsun doesn't feel the same way. Its almost funny how they are together now.

There was hope budding in her chest but she stops it, because things are different with her and Byul. She did say that Byul had a better chance at winning; too bad for her, she's right.

"In a way, yes." Wheein answered. Sure, Byul didn't outright reject her, but Byul said Yong's already her girlfriend, and in Wheein's book that can only serve as a rejection. Because if not rejection, then what purpose could that possibly serve?

"Unless it didn't come from her, all of that is just your assumption." Hyejin concludes.

"Byul-unnie is obviously in love with Yongsun-unnie." Wheein states to justify her case that it isn't just an assumption. She knows Hyejin wouldn't be able to deny it.

And Hyejin really couldn't deny it. It was as obvious as a thunderstorm on a sunny day.

So she just hugged Wheein closer to her chest. Hyejin takes a deep breath as she wonders how Wheein couldn't hear it.

Their hearts were so close to each other, beating in synchrony.

So loud.

So clear.

So desperate.

...longing for a heart that belonged to another.



I'm too soft for Wheesa, and that scene on Hyejin's 'Twit' got me right in the feels. And it probably showed in this chapter.

Anyway, tell me what you think about this chapter.

Thank you for reading!

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