Chapter 23:

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        *Aurora's Pov.*

I woke up with Tanner by my side and smiled. I'm glad i have my friend back but I still dont know what was wrong with him in the first place, but i'll leave it for now. I slowly got up out of bed but Tanner's grip tightened on me. I smiled and carefully loosened his grip. Once i did I got up and went downstairs to the living room. I skipped the last stepped and walked in to find Adrianna and Starr in the recliner, Brice on the love seat and Kyle no where to be found. They were passed out, so I looked over the house to try and find my brother. He wasn't in his room, not out front, not in the kitchen, not in the den, not in the game room, not in the basement or attic, The last place left would have to be the backyard. I walked through the living room the the back door and went outside. I saw Kyle on top of the monkey bars we used to play on as kids with his back towards me. I slowly closed the door behind me and headed toward him.

"Hey." I said calm. He was startled at first but then he gave his focus back to the night sky.

"Hey." He replied. I climbed the latter to the monkey bars and lifted myself on top of them.

"I remember playing on this everyday after school. We would come out here after doing homework and play for about an hour and right after we would head out and put our horrible behavior to the test." I laughed as I remembered it all.

"Yeah, it seems like it was yesterday when we decided to annoy the hell out of Mr. Danderlons and threw eggs at his house every weekend but no one could ever catch us because we were start and dressed in all black and wore masks." He laughed.

"Oh, we were just horrible to that poor man. We couldn't just give him a break." I added and we couldn't stop laughing.

"Oh, we gave him a break. We gave him a break when you left. I stopped pranking and being like that when you left. It just wasn't the same without you. I tried doing that stuff with friends but it just hurt me to much because they weren't my baby sister." He chuckled softly.

"Hey, were twins!" I laughed.

"Yes, but technically I'm older because I was born first. I was the first Hell baby!" He laughed and cheered.

"Oh, what and ever." I rolled my eyes and grinned as he kept laughing. I watched as he lost his balance from laughing so hard and fell off of the monkey bars.

"OH. MY. GOD. YOU F-. FELL!!!" I was laughing uncontrollably and it hurt my side so much.

"Damn, I cant even joke around with you without being embarrassed." I just laughed harder and also lost balance, falling to the ground.

"Ouch, that does hurt!" This time he was the one laughing uncontrollably. I rolled my eyes and grinned. I got up and ran to the hose and quickly turned it on full blast and pointing it at Kyle's direction.

"No, no no no no no, Aurora stop!" He yelled but it was to late. I turned the on button for the hose nossle and sprayed him down.

"To late." I sang, turning off the hose.

"Its cold Rorry!" I laughed at him.

"Not my problem." I smirked. Then an evil grin slowly grew on his face.

"I need a hug Rorry! I need a hug from my sister!" He yelled running towards me. My eyes widened and I ran inside but he followed me in.

"NO WET DOGS ALLOWED!" I laughed running through the living room waking up everyone.

"IM NOT A DOG!" He laughed back, chasing me. I jumped over the couch where stare was and she was startled on the shit that we do. I just chuckled to myself. Kyle went around the couch but tripped and fell on stare. He was on top of her and their eyes met. Awww love at first sight, with a dog or not. I laughed to myself about my silly comment.

He quickly stood back up and took a step back. "So-sorry." He whispered and walked out back. What the hell just happened? He was happy and having fun at first and now he's all gloomy? Did I miss something?

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