Chapter 8:

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*Aurora Pov.*

We were all sitting on the couch watching the movie. It was Kyle one one end of the couch, Adrianna was next to him, i was next to Adrianna and Brice was next to me. The movie was really freaking me out. It got to the part where they were showing the woman lied down on her bed and was realizing there was something in her bed. When it showed the grudge, i jumped closer to Brice and hid my face in his chest. He was chuckling and put his arm around me.

"It's only a movie Rorry." He whispered in my ear. Everyone was calling me Rorry, I loved that nickname. I lifted my head high enough so i was looking at him and he could here me.

"I know, but theres no proving that these things, you know, monsters are real. We probably havnt seen them yet. There clould be slowly picking us off one by one." I whispered back. He chuckled at my theory.

"Indeed that may be true, but you got people here who are protecting you." He smiled at me and i felt better.

"Thank you." I whispered and smiled back. I laid my head back on his chest while he put his arm tight around my shoulders. We put our attention back to the movie. Every once in a while i'd hide my face in his chest because of a scary part had happened. I love scary movies! They're so much fun to watch! Well until your brother starts picking on you for being a scaredy cat.

-------------------------An hour later----------------------------

We all found ourselves playing truth or dare. How? I don't know.

"Adrianna, truth or dare!?" i asked quite excited.

"Truth." she said laughing.

"You have to say dare one of these times." I laughed back. Then my eyes widened and i grinned. She looked at me with fear in her eyes. "Do you have a crush on someone!?" I  asked in a rush. She looked down at her hands and blushed. "Answer me woman!" I was laughing pretty hard at her reaction to me asking her that. She looked up and started laughing.

She nodded "Yah, I do."

"WHO!?" I asked excitedly.

"You already used your truth question, Rorry." My face dropped. I should have thought that through. She laid on her back and started laughing at me.

"I need to think before i say or ask." i laughed.

"Yah you do!" Kyle reassured me and bursted out in laughter. I smiled at his childish ways. I would always say things right off my mind. I wouldn't think or consider the consequences. I need to step up my game this year.

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