Chapter 27:

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*Aurora's Pov.*

I walked to the park as I listened to the song "Break, By Three Days Grace." Their music always clams me down. As I kept walking I could see the park in view. I smiled and ran to it. I ran on the jungle jim and ran to the top floor. After running up all those steps I was pretty tired but I kept going I walked to the railing they had so that the kids wouldn't fall over the edge. I was just about 1 foot talker than it, it readied to my shoulders. I looked out over the park, it was so beautiful. It was like it was trying to take the pain away from me but it couldn't and honestly I was okay with that. Just watching this beautiful sight worked just fine. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I took it out. I unlocked the phone and realized I must have been out of it or something because I had 13 texts… 4 from Brice, 2 from Tanner, and 2 from Kyle. I also had 5 missed calls from Adrianna and Starr each. I opened the texts from brice and they read:

'Where are you? Come back home I can explain everything, I dont hate you I promise.'

                                                                              - Brice.

'Rorry please, I didn't mean ANYTHING I said, let me explain!'


'Aurora, come on, I'm getting very worried. Just text me back. Go off on me! Say you hate me! Just let me know you're still breathing! please!'


'Aurora, I'm so so sorry, Just come home where its safe. Dont get hurt because of something so pathetic i said. Wheres the Aurora that did give two shits about what anyone thought of her? Please come home. We just got you home safe and now you're gone again? Please dont let my stupidity be the reason you're in danger. Dont let my idiotic self stop you from smiling. Please…


I couldn't help it, tears came to my eyes and fell. He's so stupid. I decided to text him back so they at least dont call the cops, but they probably will anyways.

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