Chapter 20: Hold me close

Start from the beginning

"Please help".

Suddenly a loud boom sounded throughout the room sending my body into shock waves. Gunshots echoed all around me, yet I couldn't see any bullet holes. The blood continued to rise higher and higher as I held my blood soaked hands to my ears pleading to make the continuous gunshots stop, but they only got louder and louder. 

Realizing I was about to die I closed my eyes and let myself fall back into the blood wanting nothing more for the anticipation of death to stop. I was surrounded in thick blood, but wasn't drowning. 

The gunshots could still be heard, but instead they were dull thumps. 

Isabella. Come on hun. Time to wake up.

A familiar voice echoed throughout my ears like a whisper. It sounded like, Louise.

Come back to the light. Open your eyes.

How could I come back to the light when I was drowning in thick blood?

Just open them. Trust me. Louise screamed loudly and I forced my eyes open through the thick blood. Expecting to meet nothing but red, I jumped when I saw the familiar ceiling of our bedroom. I blinked baffled by my reality. What's real? What's not?

"Isabella? Thank goodness you're ok Ma'am". My eyes met with two familiar looking ladies and stared down at their nurse outfits. 

"We're going to run some tests ma'am. We need to check your vital signs". The other nurse gently wrapped her arms around me and helped to lift me up and rest me up against a propped up pillow. I stared round to see that I was back in the room I loved most. The room that brought me so much comfort. I watched baffled as the nurses walked around gathering equipment and bringing them to the table beside me. 

They were chattering amongst themselves whilst looking at me quizzically and with concern. 

"Where is James?" I whispered capturing the nurses' attention.

"He'll be home very soon". 

"And Milo? Where's Milo?". The nurses looked at each other with a sad and forlorn expression.

"I know you're still in shock ma'am, but Milo died. You found him and fell unconscious from the sheer shock". 

My body began to tremble uncontrollably as the visions of Milo's bloody body laid on his bed came back to my head like a canon. My eyes flooded with tears as I remembered how I had seen him laid in his bed surrounded in a pool of his own blood with a single gunshot wound. 

"Ma'am, I need you to calm down".

"No no no, I need James. P-please I-I"- I began to fumble around frantically with the duvet trying to free myself it's confinement.

"Please, stay in your bed Isabella. You're still very weak and in shock". I couldn't piece together what the nurses were saying. My heart was thumping a million miles and hour and my vision was rapidly blurring. I didn't want to stay in this bed. I wanted James, I wanted Milo.

"Get the sedative". I tried to fight my way out of bed, but I was way too weak. I screamed as one of the nurses walked towards me with a syringe in her hand full of a clear liquid.

"STAY AWAY" I screamed as the nurse edged towards me.

James's POV:

I sprinted as fast as I could as soon as I pulled up outside the front door. I swung it open with such force that it left a hole in the wall, but that was the least of my worries.

As soon as I entered the foyer I threw my bag and coat to one side and immediately began pacing up the stairs to find Isabella. But as soon as I reached the top of the stairs, my heart instantly sank hearing a broken and scared voice screaming in distress.

Broken Memories (Sequel to STBHP) UNDER MAJOR RECONSTRUCTION Where stories live. Discover now