Chapter 15 - Briefly Sidetracked

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"I understand, Colonel. But wouldn't it be difficult for us to get into the pub even if we are dressed in casuals? They'll probably check for weapons before we enter the pub and I'm pretty sure that we'll need to be armed when fighting against the ruffians – they will definitely be armed too." I stated.

"I am aware of that – that's why you'll have to find an alternate way in." He said and smirked, making me twitch. "Use your flirting skills to woo some of the women in the bar and they'll let you in without checking."

"Flirt?" I asked, feeling a little awkward.

"Of course! Use some sweet talk or something. I'm sure you can manage that much. I suppose Lt. Fuery has no skills in flirting but his innocence, so to say, should be enough to appeal to some girl." The colonel said with a shrug.

"I'm sorry, Colonel, but I can't take up this mission." I said almost immediately and it earned curious stares from not just the colonel and Lt. Hawkeye but the others as well. I wasn't one who refused the colonels orders before so my refusal now was definitely something they found odd.

"You can't take up this mission? And why not?" He questioned.

"Because I got a girlfriend. I can't go and flirt with some other girl when I have a girlfriend." I said matter-of-factly.

"You have a girlfriend?? I thought you broke up with your girlfriend last week!" Lt. Breda hollered.

"That's what I heard too." WO. Falman added.

"I did break up with Lynn last week but I have a girlfriend now, okay? And this time, I'm sure it's a serious relationship. It's not like the others....because it didn't start from a blind date." I said, annoyed with the words of the others.

"And who, may I ask, is your girlfriend now? I'm really curious to know since you say you're so serious about it." Col. Mustang mused, resting his chin on his interlocked fingers. Heat rushed to my face and a bead of sweat ran down the side of my face as I swallowed thickly.

"It's Kiana." I said and the whole room fell to pin drop silence.

"Whaaatt??!" Lt. Breda yelled, having been the first to recover from the shock. "You're going out with Kiana san?! Since when?? How come we didn't hear about this before?!"

"I asked her out yesterday and she agreed to go out with me."

" you liked her?? How come you didn't tell me??" Lt. Breda hissed and pressed his face up against mine, irk marks pulsing on the side of his head. "I thought I was your best buddy. I can't believe you didn't tell me anything, you traitor!"

"I only realized I liked her recently so stop bugging me about it, Fatso." I responded, irk marks pulsing on the side of my head as well as I pushed against him in return. "And I'm telling you now, aren't I?!"

"Hmph! Touché." He muttered and folded his arms while looking away from me with a frown.

"Whatever the case, congratulations, Lieutenant." Col. Mustang said with a teasing smirk. "Make sure you work hard for Kiana san, hmm? We all know that she's a good person so don't let her slip away from you."

Heat rushed to my face again but I scowled slightly to hide it. "I don't need you to tell me that."

"Alright then! Lt. Breda, you'll be going on the mission in place of Lt. Havoc." The colonel said.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Lt. Breda muttered and then grinned, bringing an arm over my shoulders to make me bend to his level. "You've got to treat us all to drinks and dinner – don't forget!"

"No way! I'm not letting you guys leave a hole in my pocket with your all-you-can-order meals!" I hollered.

"C'mon, mate! Don't be stingy!" Lt. Breda muttered.

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