Chapter 48

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I kind of picture this song playing while the fight is going on lol.


My father circled me as the sounds of fighting went on around us. "You think you're strong little girl? You think because these people are willing to fight for you, they don't know the monster you truly are? Well I know!" He growled.

"Are we going to fight? Or do you just want to give out pointless speeches?" His eyes flashed as he rushed forward, sword out. Did I forget to mention he had a sword the size of the empire state building compared to my dagger? If I didn't have the phoenix on my side right now, I'd be meeting a swift death. Possibly a beheading.

I rolled to the side at the last minute, avoiding his sword. Standing to my feet, I tossed my dagger at his back. He let out a howl of pain as he stumbled to the ground. I slowly walked towards him as he tired to remove my dagger from his back. As I reached for my dagger, he spun around leg out, causing me to face plant on the ground. There was a stinging pain in my nose as I rolled over onto my back. My eyes widened as I saw my dagger coming down towards my face. I turned my head just in time to the left to avoid losing an eye. Heating up my fist, I punched him right in the center of his chest. He flew through the air for several seconds before landing on his feet. I sighed getting up, this was going to be a long fight.

Looking at the battle around me I was shocked to see Lucifer fighting my mom. Shouldn't our roles be reversed? Why do I have to fight the guy?

"Because we're stronger." The phoenix spoke. Right, I forgot. "Focus, do not take your eyes off our target."

My attention snapped back to my dad to see he completely changed. He's grown twice the size he was before, and his sword was now split into two. He looked at me with glowing red eyes. I did not see this coming. What kind of dark magic was that?

Acting on instinct, I looked around for Xavier. I couldn't spot him with all the fighting that was going on. Where was he? I felt a sharp pain in the side of my face as I flew through the air. I landed hard on my back, knocking the breath out of me. "I told you to focus!"

"I can't focus if I don't know where Xavier is!" I yelled back. I jumped to my feet, fist lightening up in flames as I watched my dad. That was such a cheap shot. I'll make sure he doesn't get his fist near my face again. "Is that all you got old man?"

He laughed, a dark scary laugh. I watched as he got on all four and started running for me. He was like a huge dog on steroids. I stood my ground waiting for impact. The moment he got an inch away I grabbed hold of his ears, using them to catapult myself on to his back. He skidded to a halt as I brought my fist down on top of his head. Using his hind legs, he bucked me off of him and I fell to the ground. He turned on me fast, sharp teeth snapping at my legs as I scooted back. I shot fire ball after ball at his face, but nothing stopped him. I really underestimated my opponent.

He stood to his feet, bringing his fist down hard onto my stomach. I groaned in pain, coughing as a trickle of blood run out the side of my mouth. I needed to get up! I tried rolling over, but the pain in my stomach was too much. Yup he most definitely broke some ribs. I could only watch helplessly as he brought one huge foot down on my leg. I screamed out in agony as I felt the bones break. "Who knew the phoenix broke just like everybody else." He sneered down at me.

I tried using my powers, but all I could focus on was the pain. "Get up Isabel!" The phoenix hissed in my mind.

"I can't!" I cried, trying to crawl away from anymore of my father assaults. Tears streamed down my face as I pulled myself across the dirt packed field. Everyone was too busy fighting their own battles to help me. I was on my own.

"Leaving so soon?" I heard his mocking voice behind me. I clutched my stomach as I rolled onto it. Why did it hurt so much? Why was there so much blood? I cried out again when I felt his foot land on my back. He pressed down hard as I called out for help. I could feel myself starting to get weak as more bones broke. The wind was no longer blowing and there was no more lightening in the sky. I looked up as he grabbed hold of my hair, yanking my head back. My eyes landed on Xavier who was standing across the field watching me. My eyes widened at the small black horns protruding from his forehead.

He rushed forward towards me and I screamed out a silent plea for him to stop. I stiffened as the tip of a blade was pressed against my neck.

"NOOO!" Xavier shouted as he threw his arms out. Black flames poured from his hands, hitting my father. I breathed a sigh of relief as my head fell to the ground and the weight was lifted off my back.

"Xavier!" I called for him as he continued rushing my father.

"Leave my mother alone!" My eyes widened as black wings unfurled themselves from his back lifting him off the ground. He unleashed another scream as he poured down a fury of flames onto my father. Covering him in nothing but darkness.

When he stopped, there was nothing but ash where my father should have been. His screaming continued as he curled his fist up, screaming towards the sky. I watched as his whole body was engulfed in flames, before shooting out from him across the field. I covered my face as the flames came towards me but didn't feel any type of burning. I heard screams from people around me and feared he was killing the other gods. When the flames cleared, Xavier dropped to the ground from the sky, his wings disappearing. I dragged myself over to him checking for a pulse. Giving a sigh of relief when I felt one, I pulled him close to me looking around the field. Everyone that came with my parents was now nothing but a pile of ash.  As Lucifer headed towards us, I felt all my strength leave as I passed out.

As I slowly came to, I could hear beeping all around me. I opened one eye to see I was in a hospital room, strapped to an IV. I sprung up in the bed. "Xavier!" I tried to get out of bed, only for rough hands to hold me down.

"Shh, he's ok." I looked up as Lucifer tried to coax me into calming down.

"Why am I here? Where is he?" he had this pained look on his face. "Is he hurt? Is something wrong?" I tried to get out of bed again, when I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach. Why was my stomach still hurting and nothing else? Why wasn't it healed?

"You need to relax Isabel, you've been through a lot." 

"Is everyone ok?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Everyone is fine, you just need to worry about yourself. Does anything hurt?" he said.

"There's a pain in my stomach." He once again got that pained look on his face. "What? What aren't you telling me?"

He sighed, grabbing my hand in his. "You were pregnant Isabel."

My eyes widened. "I'm pregnant!?"

His face looked tortured. "Was, you lost the baby."


I've been adding more action to Death Saved Me and more chemistry that I cant wait for you guys to read! Once the book finally gets approved I'll start working on the changes to book two. I also decided that there will be one last book to complete the series. I don't have a name for it yet and I haven started it but I already have an idea for it! But Isabel's story isn't over yet!

Anyways enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment! tell me what you think of this chapter.

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