Chapter 33: Charon

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"I'm going to be what!? I don't want to be you! No offense." I complained. Be him? I don't even know what he does! I don't even feel different, no power surge or anything. What does being him really mean?

"It's too late, I've already handed you my powers. If you try to give them back before 24 hours is up, you'll be stuck like me forever." He grinned smugly at me.

I took another look around at the scenery. I couldn't make out anything through this darkness. "Where are we? Why can't I see anything?"

"Because you're not embracing the power." He sighed.

"You can see in this?"

"Of course I can Isabel, this is where I work." I can tell he's starting to get impatient with me.

"Ok, how do I "embrace" this power." I asked him, putting quote fingers for embrace. I'm being forced to embrace something I don't even want. Again.

"First of all, you need to relax, you're all wound up." He placed his hands on my shoulders gently massaging them.

"Jeez I wonder why." I took a deep breath trying to relax. Its ok Isabel, so what if you're being the god of death? It'll all be ok. You can't die being the god of death right?

"Good, now just focus on one spot." I did what he suggested. For the first few seconds I still couldn't see anything. Then slowly the darkness started going away, and I wish it hadn't.

"Ahh who the hell is that!" I jumped back even though the creature was far away.

"That will be our ride to my place of business." He started walking towards the thing. It was hunched over, looked male. Male and very naked, there was lumps all over his back looking as if they'd burst any second. He was standing next to a small boat, holding a stick in his hand.

"We have to get closer to that thing?" I screeched slightly.

"Isabel don't be rude, his name is Charon." Thanatos winked at me as he grabbed my hand forcing me along.

"Charon? Is he like your co-worker or something?" The closer we got to him the more nervous I got. What if he attacked or something? Thanatos let out a laugh. Did he hear my thoughts?

"Something like that," He smirked. I realized he was answering my question and not referring to reading my thoughts. "Charon, things running smoothly down there?" He asked the hunch figure once we made it to the boat. It was then that I noticed the river heading inside a cave. A bright orange river. How did I not notice that before? And why do I get the feeling that we're going through that?

"As always sir." Charon wheezed out. He sounded like he smoked four packs a day. Adding even more creepiness to his look.

"Good good, I'll be bringing a guest with me today." He moved to the side so Charon could get a look at me.

"What a lovely guest she is." He smiled at me. I tried not to cringe at his yellow teeth. They didn't have toothbrushes down here?

"Indeed, we are ready to go now." We followed Charon to the boat as he climbed aboard, Thanatos followed him, he turned and lightly grabbed my hand to pull me on. I sat as far from Charon as I could, which was an easy task since he stayed at the front to row the boat.

As the boat started moving I leaned to the side to look into the water. Unlike normal water this one was fiery orange. It gave off the illusion that we were floating on lava. I wonder how they got it that color? "Don't lean too far over, you fall off and you're as good as dead." Thanatos commented. I quickly sat up straight.

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