Chapter 25: Finding Missing Pieces

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Attention! Go back to chapter 23 before reading this and re-read the part where they arrived to Mt.Olympus! I've added a sentence in it (literally one) that ties along with this chapter. Right when Aphrodite said he choked her! If you're a new reader just disregard this XD


We all settled in the living room. Hera sat across from us while we sat on the floor. Hera and Zeus didn't own much furniture.

"What did you need dear?" She placed her hands across her lap as she studied me.

"Um," I cut my eyes over to Lucifer. What I really wanted to talk about I couldn't say with him in the room. When I focused back on Hera I was surprised to see her glaring at him. I've never seen her glare. "Why don't you guys like each other?"

"That's what you came here for? We're not about to discuss this." Lucifer announced standing up.

"Yes we are, sit down." I glared at him. He raised an eyebrow at my tone but sat down nonetheless. "What happened?" I once again faced Hera.

"Isabel dear if he doesn't want to talk about this then it isn't my place to say, I will respect his wishes." I let out a low growl, causing Lucifer to smirk. "But instead of talking I can show you."

My ears perked up at the offer. "How?" She stood up walking over to a bookshelf. She scanned the books until she found a certain one, we watched as she popped it out and pulled out a small clear ball. "Oh my, are you psychic?"

She chuckled at my question. "No dear, this is just one of the few things I've acquired from other gods. It'll help you look into someone's mind." She walked over to us, motioning for us to put our foreheads together. "But we must have his permission first."

Lucifer sighed as I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. "I'm fine with it." I let out a slight squeal as we pressed our heads together, Hera handing me the ball. For the first few seconds nothing happened as we stared at it. Then a cloud appeared swirling wildly. I gasped as It felt like I was getting sucked into the ball.

"It will show you what you desire to see the most." Hera explained. Images like flipping through a graphic novel came and went, before finally settling on one. I yelped as I fell, landing in a familiar room. Wow I was actually in his head! 

"Where are they!?" A voice growled out into the room. One I knew very well.  As I studied my surroundings I realized this is the room I gave birth to Xavier in. Facing the door I saw Thanatos standing there, but who was he talking to?

"She took him and left." I Whirled around to see Lucifer leaning against a wall. He looked nothing like I remembered when I teleported away from here. There were no horns and he wasn't laughing like a maniac, instead he just looked sad and defeated.

"What do you mean left?" Thanatos demanded.

Suddenly Lucifer got angry, pushing himself from the wall. "This is all your fault!" He barked.

Thanatos glared at him. "My fault? Did you honestly think you could be his father?"

"And you think you can?" He retorted.

Before I could hear Thanatos response I was slammed out of the memory and back into my body. "What the- " I looked up to see both Hera and Lucifer starring warily at me. "What happened? Why'd I get kicked out?"

"I forgot to mention it only works for a limited of time." She reached out grabbing the ball from my hand and placing it back in the book.

I rolled my eyes. "That information would've been helpful."

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