chapter forty five.

Start from the beginning

Regardless, Luke didn't leave. Instead he did the worst thing possible (well aside from exploring the fridge) and headed for the couch where he sat down. From this angle I could see almost everything he was doing. Which meant if he turned around he could probably see me peaking out too, but he seemed pretty engrossed in his phone so I had a few minutes to just watch.

I could see the look of confusion on his face as he registered the impromptu bed made up on the couch but he seemed to dismiss it. That was until something caught his eye, something that light up on the coffee table almost immediately after he was finished typing a message. A message that was sent to me.

My dumb ass had left my fucking phone charging on the table.

Out of all things.

My phone.

I could hear my heart racing as he reached in slow motion for it. He inspected it just as slowly, and then as he saw the photo of us on the lock screen he shot up in double speed and looked around.

I ducked back behind the fridge and buried myself further into the corner. If I couldn't see him then he couldn't see me, that's how it works right? There was nothing I could do but hope that he wouldn't come this way, but the sound of his footsteps approaching told me the exact opposite.

Until they stopped, being replaced by the rattle of a door handle. Jack was back.

Don't say my name Jack, don't say my name.

"I grabbed lunch on the —"


"Luke! What are you doing here?" The door closed and I heard as footsteps yet again headed in my direction, stopping at the island counter. Just past the edge of the fridge I could see the lanky body of Luke leaning over the granite. He had his back to me as he poked through the bag Jack had just dropped on the surface.

"Thought I'd stop by for a chat, but I found this."

My phone clattered on the counter and I winced as if a part of my body had just been shattered.

"Where is she?" his tone was harsh but he wasn't loud by any means. He was mad, confused, upset; and he had every right to be so. Imagine finding your missing girlfriends belongings at your brothers house. What sort of questions would that raise?

"I don't know, honestly," Jacks hand patted Lukes shoulder in a sign of trust; but I knew Luke wouldn't buy it, there was too much proof of my presence.

"Then what's this doing here?" Luke sighed, his calmness was a little scary, but I guess I preferred it to the potential shouting and screaming he could be doing right now.

"I don't know where she is right now but she has been here for the past few days."

There was shuffling around and Luke was no longer in my peripheral view; and conversation had faded. I could barely hear anything  they were saying anymore.

I couldn't even be mad at Jack for spilling the beans, there was nothing we could be but honest now that Luke had connected the dots. But it wasn't up to Jack to do the explaining, it was up to me.

Jack had taken Luke to his bedroom, and Luke was slumped in Jacks desk chair when I popped my head around the corner of the door.

"Hi," I said softly.

Luke shot up and rushed to me, enveloping me in the warmest embrace I think I'd ever experienced.

"Hi," he whispered into my ear as his head nuzzled my neck. "I missed you."

"You're not mad?"

Luke stepped back and held me at arms length, raising his right brow. "Why would I be mad at you? Jack explained everything and it's okay, okay?"

I turned my head to Jack, "everything?"

"Well not everything. But enough, don't worry."

Luke scrunched his brows together and looked suspiciously between Jack and I.

"What aren't you telling me?"

I reached out and grazed my fingers over his cheek, "don't worry Luke, time will tell. But for now, I think we have a lot of talking to do."

authors note.

Sorry this is shorter than normal but I had to cut it here or I'd never put this chapter out ahhh. It's been so long, I just couldn't make this chapter work the way I wanted to.

But hi, how are ya?

Long time no see; shall I do a quick bullet point update on my life?? Skip if you'd like, I'm sure the next chapter will be available in another 6 months.

• I've completed my first term at university (I'm doing average lmaooo but hey, Cs get degrees)
• I got my first job, moved out of home into a flat (two of my flatmates are literally Satan and it's a nightmare with no escape until the agreement ends next year)
• I've been dating the same dude for 6 months which is a new record for me ahaha but he's the best and my heart is v warm around him
• On a scarier note I was 1km (0.6 mile) away from the Christchurch mosque attack; lost someone I knew and have been dealing with all that for the past month which sucked bc the day it happened my writers block vanished and I was going to finish this whole ass book
• I'm currently sitting in a tattoo parlour watching my best friend get her ass tatted ahaha
• There not much else really, life's pretty boring: I just eat, sleep, study, work, repeat.

How are we feeling about this chapter??? What's your thoughts on Luna/Jacks friendship??

Anywho thanks for reading
Vote, comment, do what ya wanna do,
Much love,
Ty xo

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